Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Tuesday Jams #4

Tuesday Jams is a weekly post hosted by Sharonda @ Salacious Reads. This is a way to share with others your love (other then books of course) for music! Want to participate? Easy! Head on over to Salacious Reads & link back up with her Tuesday Jams post in her comments section!
Ahhh. I just changed my mind like 3 times xD Will the real SLIM SHADY please stand up?! haha. I'm gonna go with my faveeee white boy Eminem ;) Gaaah I ♥ him. I was originally going to go with Nicki Minaj, but then I played Romans Revenge and changed my mind haha. So, why Eminem? other then him being bad ass? Well, his raps. Gah. The guy is good. Real good. It's like he doesn't give a f*** and his raps are just too real. His lyrics lure you in and if you pay attention to what he's rappin' damn.... just DAMN. lol. I swear I'm a rapper when I rap along with him xD  I think he is soooo sezzy. ;)

This is my fave song to date! I get the chills every time I hear it.

That's my pick for this week :) Are you an Eminem fan?

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