What's In My Beach Bag will be a weekly post about all the books & other goodies that I've bought, borrowed or won :)
Wow.. okay, I know it's been a good 3-4 weeks since I've done a WIMBB. I've gotten a lot of books and stuff over the past 3-4 weeks. I just haven't had the time to sit here and write a post. But, I am determined to get back to my posting and what better way to kick off the new week/new month (one more day) then to share with you the goodies I've gotten! Bare with me... it's a lot.
Received For Review
*Click on covers to take you to GoodReads*
♥Thanks to Delilah S. Dawson for Wicked As They Come (Won from Crystal @ Reading Between The Wines)
♥Thanks To Linda Poitevin for Sins of The Son (Won @ Linda Poitevin's blog)
♥Thanks to Readers Service for Wolf Whisperer by Karen Whiddon & Phantom of Evil by Heather Graham
♥Thanks to Myra Nour for Love's Captive (Won @ Salacious Reads)
♥Thanks to Myra Nour for Love's Captive (Won @ Salacious Reads)
♥Bought A Caress of Twilight by Laurell K. Hamilton for $1.00 at my local Dollar Book Store
Well, that's it! These past 3-4 weeks have been adding up. *sigh* Did y'all get anything awesome this week?