EEEEK!! Today, right now @ 6:53PM PST is the day the blog turns ONE! AAAANNND Because it's blogger I am deeming my blog age to 21! lmbo. *shrugs* Now it's legal for the champagne to come out :) Oh, yeah! Time to paaartaaay!
Ahh. I didn't think I'd get this far in blogging. I still remember when I hit 10 followers! I was ecstatic! Along the way I've met some awesometastic people and I do consider them friends :)
So, what are we going to be doing on this awesome day?! We're going to be having a giveaway!! ^_^ YES!
My blogging experience has been a fun ride and I'm sure there will be more fun book events and blogger buddies to meet! (So if I don't know you and you're new to the blog then give me a shout! I'm more than happy to make new friends)
If you know me, then you know I also run Bishhy Designs (blog/website designs) And I've been doing that for almost a year now, so I figured, why not make that a giveaway? It's as much a part of me as Beach Bum Reads! Yeah :) ^_^
So, with that being's the prize!
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