Friday, May 10, 2013

Buddy Review: Walking Disaster by Jamie McGuire

Hai! So, Melissa of LilyElement and I decided to buddy read Walking Disaster by Jamie McGuire together and what better way to finish off our buddy read with a buddy review! Enjoy :)

Walking Disaster
(Book #2 in the Beautiful series)

Amazon | Goodreads | BN
Author: Jamie McGuire
Publisher: Atria Books (April 2, 2013)
Genre: New Adult, Contemporary Romance, 448 pages
ISBN-10: 9781476712987
ISBN-13: 978-1476712987
My Copy: Paperback
Can you love someone too much?

Travis Maddox learned two things from his mother before she died: Love hard. Fight harder.

In Walking Disaster, the life of Travis is full of fast women, underground gambling, and violence. But just when he thinks he is invincible, Abby Abernathy brings him to his knees.

Every story has two sides. In Beautiful Disaster, Abby had her say. Now it’s time to see the story through Travis’s eyes.

Ana: Welcome, welcome. Tod—

Mel: Today we are talking about hookers. I mean Walking Disaster! And possibly some hoe bags that Travis likes to uhhh. Oops. 

Ana: *shakes head* uuhhhh....yeah. *coughs* 


Ana: Mhm! Sexy times! woohooo! For those of you who don’t know, Jamie McGuire released her new novel WALKING DISASTER *fangirling* 
Mel: HOLY SHIT THE PICTURE MOVES! I’m the one on the right - just FYI.

Ana: lol it does! WHAT IS THIS MAGICS?!?! haha -- Lol. Fine by me! The one on the left is fangirling HARDER! 

Mel: DAMN YOU! ;)

Ana: ;) -- So... excuse us and please feel free to fangirl along with us. We just can’t seem to get enough of Travis Maddox... yes, we’re leaving out the “Madd Dog”  nickname since we know he doesn’t like that nonsense! 

Mel: Being introduced to Travis Maddox in Beautiful Disaster left me wanting more. When I found out Walking Disaster was the same story told in Travis’s POV I was ecstatic. The actual story line told in Walking Disaster stayed true to the events that happened, thank goodness. There were extras thrown in that were basically events that Travis did on his own (without Abby). 

Ana: I agree. I think I really needed Travis’ POV. Abby was a bit... much for me. But you automatically see from Travis’ eyes, how he see’s Abby. She’s not as whiny or ehh in Walking Disaster as she is in Beautiful Disaster.

Mel: Being able to see what Travis was thinking made me understand why he reacted the way he did. In Beautiful Disaster I thought Travis was a little bit nuts, even though I still loved him long time.

Ana: I loved Walking Disaster, but if you’re new to Jamie McGuire, I would suggest you read Beautiful Disaster first. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200. Lol. But in all seriousness, don’t reading WD first. You’ll be so lost, you’re gonna wanna hitchhike to the nearest clue. The timing of events is all there, but if you didn’t read BD, some of what’s happened will be lost on you. 

Mel: I agree, Beautiful Disaster has to be read first to fully understand what the heck is going on and why.

Ana: THE MADDOX BROTHERS! *swoon* Can I just... eat them up?? They’re so...ahhh. YES please. I’ll have an appetizer of Thomas and Travis, and entre of Tyler and Taylor and Trenton for dessert. Nom nom nom. 

Mel: Bishhy, you can’t call dibs on ALL of the brothers. Share a least one with me! I loved that WD had Travis’s brothers in the mix. I read this on JMcGuire’s FAQ: “I have plans to write novels for the Maddox brothers in the future as well.” *fans self* I’m hoping that happens soon, I’m going to have withdrawals if not.

Ana: Oh, I mean... it’s a dinner for two ;) -- And YES *fangirling* ahh. I need me some more Maddox brothers! Thank you JMcGuire! 

We’re gonna keep this review short and sweet. If you’ve read Beautiful Disaster then stop wasting precious time and pick up Walking Disaster. MUST READ for 2013! READ IT NOW! *compelling you to buy the book* 
… Are you compelled yet? NO?! 
How about now? GOOOOOD! GO BUY THE BOOK!

Ana: Well, Mel. I had a blast reading WD with you, even if you finished it, like, a whole day ahead of me ;( BUUUT, what are you rating this bad boy? 


Ana: Holy SHAT! *starts collecting stars* -- Well, there you have it folks! ONE MILLION STARS for Walking Disaster by Jamie McGuire. Love you some bad boy loving? Pick up this novel! BUT, if you’re a complete noob to JMcGuire, then you should totally pick of Beautiful Disaster FIRST! FIRST, FIRST, FIRST! 


*sings* lalalalala the boys are waiting lalalalala
Don’t forget to bring your milkshakes! The Maddox brothers will be coming to your yards ;)
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