SAY WHAT!?!? Heh. YES! You've read that right, I'm back. Ahhh. What to say? If you follow me on Facebook, then you know I've had issues with blogger. And not the "WTF is blogger doing, this shit is all wrong!" kind of issues, it was more like, "Excuse me, ma'am, you need the four number code to get into this account." kind of issue. If you put in your cell # as a security measure for your gmail, then you know what I'm talkin' about. Other then that, I won't go any further into it. As it's pissed me off enough already.
UPDATES! I'm alive. YES! I is alive. (whew, but apparently my grammar is dead heh.) I've been busy-ish. Doing me, still reading, I've got TONS of books I've read on my long hiatus (read: forced hiatus via blogger), so that means I've got a bunch of reviews that are waaaay overdue. ;( So all of my requested books will be get reviewed here on the blog as well as on Amazon, LibraryThing, B&N and GR (though, I've heard there's some drama there, but if you still follow there, reviews will be posted there) and I will be making a BookLikes account as well.
OTHER ;) Another thing (or hobby) that I've come into is... GAMING! (I dare say) I'm no gamer, but a friend did introduce me to a pc game that I'm just addicted to. And what game is that?! League of Legends! I am HOOKED! It's like having book withdrawals, except for a game! Here is a cinematic trailer of the game. It's AMAZING! If you play DOTA, then I'm pretty sure you know all about this game. If not, I'm happy to have introduced you ;)