This week we’re going to do something different. Instead of us dishing about our likes and dislikes from this weeks episode, we’re going to write a piece for Lizzie and Mika. Somewhat of a memoriam.
Sharonda: I still in shock..I mean this episode was just...I don’t even know. It was all types of crazy. Ya’ll know my issue with Carol and I just think that she should take some responsibility for what happened with these girls. I just think she kept pushing and pushing for these girls to kill and look where we are at now. I’m glad Mika stood her ground and understood that yes, there would be times that you will have to kill, but for her age...this kid was very smart. Lizzie..oh my beating heart, I don’t even know with this one. I mean, this kid had problems and its sad that no one picked up on it and she just snapped. *sigh*, it was killer for me when I saw what she did. I just kind of sat there staring at my TV trying to understand what the hell just happened. I’m just glad Tyrese and Carol got back before she got to Judith.
This show just proves with this episode that this show is beyond what happens after the bad shit goes down. It’s about the survivors and how they cope with not just zombies walking around, but how to survive in this world of death. And I have to give props to the producers and writers of this show for taking on such taboo subjects..especially when it comes to children.
I’m still not a fan of Carol’s, probably won’t be from pretty much here on out. Tyrese’s ability to forgive her was just amazing. I would have taken to pistol whipping, but…
This episode was just beyond draw dropping. So many emotions were going on. I think this was the only night that my neighbors heard silence. Still it was a great epi and with only two left, I’m dying to see where we go from here. Who is going to make it to Terminus in one damn piece or even alive. I’m actually going to miss those girls….even Lizzie’s crazy little butt.
Ana: I still can’t muster up anything after a week of letting this sit. This last episode. I was not expecting that. Mika, I thought was an amazing character. She was so tiny, and even in during this zombie apocalypse she found it in her to be good. Yes, that was going to be a downfall for her...eventually, but I think she had it right. She still had a sliver of kindness that was growing despite the situation they’re all in. She will be missed.
Lizzie. *sigh* Lizzie. So wrong. Yet, again, with the times they’re in, there is no mental hospital to check her into. No therapist for her to see. The fact that things escalate the way they did just says that things are bad. I don’t blame Carol, but I can’t forgive her for what she did. Things and her just seem to clash. Constant clashing that makes me want to shake her. She was innocent once. *hangs head* she was extremely innocent.
This episode definitely made a turn and opened my eyes. And I am still just taking it all in. It’s sad and heartbreaking. And Carol having to play the bad guy here yet again. She’s definitely built a tough skin but I think she needs consolation. Which I think Tyreese gave a bit to her. Forgiving her. She needed that.
Mika and Lizzie will be missed. Extremely. Mika’s ever loving heart and innocence as well as Lizzie’s mad mind. Different, yet they were there for each other. In their own ways. I’m definitely going to miss them. Why you do this to me TWD?! WHY *wails*
Okay, I’m done. *walks away*
Question of the WeekAny words for Mika & Lizzie?
Ana: Thanks for stopping by! Don’t forget to leave a comment down below! And answer this weeks question!
Sharonda: Thanks guys! Yes, leave your comments. Let us know what you thought.