Thursday, May 24, 2012

18 & Over Book Blogger Follow #2

18 & Over Book Blogger Follow is a weekly feature that begins on Fridays and runs through the weekend, hosted by Crystal from Reading Between the Wines. This is a Friday blog hop with the objective to find and visit other book blogs that share the same interest as you, namely books geared towards the 18 & over crowd, and make some new friends!

This Weeks Question:
Do you feel the need to write a review for your personal reads, as oppose to requested reviews, or are there some books you read just for the joy of reading?

Well, I just started this book blog, so I guess I'll say that I feel the need to write reviews for the books that I read or have read. I will take request's and I'd happily provide a review regardless if I liked it or not. When I give my reviews, I'll be as honest as possible, that means if I hated it, scratch that, that's a strong word, if I disliked it with a passion, then I would state so. I will always feel the need to review any book I've read. So weather or not I read it for pure pleasure (which is pretty much all the books I read) or for requests, I will always feel the need to post a review. Maybe that's just me wanting to talk (errr type) all the time. My normal chatterbox self... so now that I've created this blog, my friends can have some sort of relief of my constant blabbing on about books. hehe. 

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