Friday, May 18, 2012

Review: The Vampire's Warden by S.J. Wright

The Vampire's Warden
(Book #1 in the Undead in Brown County Series)

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Author: S.J. Wright
Publisher: CreateSpace (February 15, 2011)
Genre: YA - Paranormal Romance, 200 pages 
ISBN-10: 1460989880 
ISBN-13: 978-1460989883


It was a flash in the moonlight, a blur of motion like I’d never witnessed before. No human had the capacity to move like that. When I found myself face-to-face with him there in the meadow, I knew without a doubt that the journal was authentic. I knew that my grandfather hadn’t been crazy at all. Because a foot away from me stood a vampire. Sarah reads her grandfather's journal in stunned disbelief. What was once her grandfather's responsibility has passed to her father and now to her. She has become the Warden. Her life will never be the same.


Sarah is slowly coming to terms that there is such a thing as vampires, especially since there's one taking up residence in her meadow. Shortly after Sarah's father passes away, Dr. Fleming gives Sarah a journal that reveals family secrets she didn't think were even possible. Forced to take action, Sarah steps up and takes on the role as warden with the much needed help from Alex, who claims he knows her mother who abandoned both her and her sister at such a young age. 

This book is different from a lot of other vampire books I've read. A warden? Over a vampire? Oh, if I could trap a sexy hunk of a vampire in my backyard and have power over whether or not he could leave, then you can sign me up ASAP! Sarah is slowly learning the ropes of being a vampire warden with help from a journal passed down the family line and Alex, human turned vampire turned human again, who was sent to her by her mother. Michael, said vampire, has been trapped in the meadow for a really long time. Like three generations long. Perhaps longer. He doesn't like being trapped there but he will protect Sarah if any harm is issued her way. WHY? He says it's because if his warden dies then he is stuck there forever. Now, that totally makes sense to me but, in some parts of the book Sarah and Michael seem to have some sort of connection, that appears as a surprise to Micheal which make me think feelings run much deeper than just Sarah being his warden?

One of the things I liked about this book would probably be the interactions with Sarah and Michael. Sarah doesn't seem to like Alex sometimes so she seeks help from Michael, only to be totally engrossed by him and can barely keep a grasp on her surroundings. I find those moments between them intriguing and I just wish there was more but, with Michael being a vampire and all, they only talk at night. What I disliked from the book was the weird reactions between Sarah and Alex every time they made physical contact. Alex would always black out and Sarah would always get glimpses of visions or something. I didn't quite understand what that was and neither does Sarah or Alex, so I'm assuming there will be more info on that in the next book? 

I can honestly say that I really enjoyed this book, it was a nice change in the usual vampy stuff I read. I'm glad it's a series because the first book left me wanting more, especially that ending! I would recommend this book if you're looking for a different kind vampire story. 


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