Friday, December 14, 2012

12 Nights of Christmas Kickoff - Contest

Welcome to the first annual Nights of Christmas Event, brought to you by Ana of Beach Bum Reads, and Neyra of Darkest Addictions.

Ana and I decided, that because we've had so much fun blogging, reading, meeting new authors and of course, new bloggie friends this year, we'd give back to our awesome blog readers by hosting the first annual Nights of Christmas Event. So get ready ladies, because Hottie Santa's comin' to town! ;) -Neyra

That's right! We wanted to share our appreciation for our fellow bloggers and say thanks for being awesome! So... THANKS! Not only that, we've had a great run with awesome books and decided to interview a select few awesome authors. So, with that being said, hold on tight, Hottie Santa prefers his Harley over his sleigh ;)  -Ana♥

Beach Bum Reads & Darkest Addictions' are bringing you 12 nights of Author & Blogger Interviews with lots of presents, plus a contest to get us all in the Holiday Spirit. So join us, and find out who's made it to Hottie Santa's naughty list! ;p

This year's contest will be CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS/CREATIONS! Whether it be Christmas cookies, ornaments, Christmas cards or Stockings. Whatever you decorated for the festive holiday can be ENTERED into the contest! Hell, when the sun disappears and the sky darkens go outside and take a picture of your awesome Christmas lights on your house! 
Like we've said, anything goes. BUT, it HAS to be YOUR decorations/creation. Since we aren't mind readers, we ask that you be completely honest when entering. You can enter up to THREE times. 
IF there are enough entries, we will be holding a comments "voting" for entries! Whats the prize? well... You'll just have to wait and see! 
You can enter by emailing either Ana or Neyra


Make sure the Subject line reads: 12 Nights of Christmas Contest
And let us know who and where we're sending the prize if you win.

There will be a page and/or link in each of our blogs to direct you to each night's interviews & festivities, so look for it, mine will be on the tabs bar right below the banner :) I hope you enjoy our little event and as always, thanks for stopping by! -Neyra

And mine will be in the tabs below my banner as well -Ana♥

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