Saturday, December 29, 2012

Christmas Contest: DECORATIONS-CREATIONS - Vote for your favorite!

Hey, Hi and Hello there! Our Decorations/Creations Contest for the 12 Nights of Christmas Event is now over (at least, the entering part). I know some of you have been wondering... “Prize? What prize?” Well, we’ve agreed from the get-go that the prize would be a surprise. And it’s not just a prize... it’s errr... prizeS ←  you see what we did there? PLURAL! *does happy dance* ...(facepalm)... What’s up for grabs, you ask?

ONE WINNER will be getting...drum roll please... *little drummer boy drumming his drum in the distance*
*See Ana be silly, here ^ smh. lol*

  • A $10 GC to the retailer of your choice. Yepp, that’s right, any retailer you choose ;) Neyra’s giving like that ^_^
  • 4 books from Ana’s bookshelf - Mhm... Ana’s willingly, I repeat, WILLINGLY parting with these babies
    • Betrayed (Book #2 in the House of Night series) by P.C. Cast + Kristin Cast
    • Rhymes with Witches by Lauren Myracle
    • Phantom Evil (Book #1 in the Krewe of Hunters series) by Heather Graham
    • Wolf Whisperer (Book #11 in The Pack series) by Karen Whiddon
  • ELF Cosmetics - Some of Ana’s fave’s from ELF
    • 1 Total Face Brush
    • 1 Eyeshadow Brush
    • 1 Blending Eye Brush
    • 1 Defining Eye Brush’
    • 1 Eyeshadow Quad (#2007 Drama)
    • 2 Liquid Eyeliner (#4203 - Black & #4210 - Copper)
  • NYX Girls Nail Polish - Cause every girl deserves some sparkle ;) Plus, Ana’s a sparkle freak xD
    • NGP 169 - Super Funk
    • NGP 166 - Grand Royal

Now that you’ve seen the prizes, it’s time for the entries!! Drum roll please little drummer boy!

Entry #1: Anna @ Herding Cats  & Burning Soup - 2011 Christmas Tree
Entry #2: Anna @ Herding Cats & Burning Soup - 2012 Christmas Tree
Entry #3: Sharonda @ Salacious Reads - Christmas Tree
Entry #4: Krista Davis - Snowflakes
Entry #5: Penni Freels - Christmas Tree
Entry #6: Penni Freels - Snowman Village
Entry #7: Penni Freels - Caroling Village

That’s it for our entries! Beautiful, right? We sure think so. Now for the voting. To vote all you have to do is leave a comment in the comment section BELOW with....

  • Entry # you are voting for
  • Your Email address for confirmation

You can only vote ONCE, so vote for the one you like the most! Thanks to all who entered and thank you all for participating in our 12 Nights of Christmas Event. We had a blast, and we hope you did as well :)

Ana: *wipes sweat from brow and nudges Neyra* Hey, Chica, we doing this thing again next year?
Neyra: Well that depends... did our readers enjoy this event? *looks to blog readers* I’m thinking yes... but still skeptical... what do ya’ll think? Should we do this again next year? ;)
Ana: *nods enthusiastically while mouthing “say YES” to our readers* I think, they think, that we think that we should xD
Neyra: *Shakes head at Ana* you would! LOL Well, I hope so. And let’s not forget, Darkest Addictions has added in a new co-blogger... if Ning decides she wants to join our misguided adventures, I’m sure the turnout for next year will be better! ;)
Ana: *raises glass* I’ll drink to that! *coughs* NING, you better say YES! :p
Neyra: *raises bottle* Here, here!! xD

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