Thursday, December 6, 2012

Review: Cutters Vs. Jocks by Elizabeth Marx

Cutters Vs. Jocks
(Prequel to Binding Arbitration)
Amazon | GoodReads | BN
Author: Elizabeth Marx
Publisher: Self Published (November 7, 2011)
Genre: Contemporary Romance, Adult, Chick Lit, 65 pages

On the idyllic campus of Indiana University, Little-Libby-Nobody runs into Band-Aid, All-American-Athlete, and fireworks explode. Libby and Aidan spiral into a collision course of love at first sight versus lust you can’t fight. As the game plays out and their affection grows, they soon realize that labels like cutters and jocks can’t keep them apart.

But when Libby and Aidan find themselves in trouble they have to confront the reality of where they each fit in the others’ world. Libby believes superstar jocks don’t take cutters to Rose Well House, in the center of campus, at midnight and pledge their undying devotion beneath its sparkling dome. And Band-Aid imagines there’s no place for a pregnant, small-town waitress in his bull-pen or the major leagues. What happens when worthy opponents refuse to play their hearts out?

Cutters Vs. Jocks is the prequel to Binding Arbitration, so if you want to know how Aidan and Libby came about, then pick this one up first! 

Ahhh. Aidan and Libby, CvJ is an awesome prequel. Usually, I'm very hesitant with shorts. They're never really fulfilling and leave me hanging with a WTF kinda outlook. But, CvJ did the opposite. Following Aidan and Libby's story was both cute and heartbreaking at the same time. Libby and Aidan are both in college, Aidan is well on his way to signing into the major leagues and Libby is pushing her way to get to law school. Their relationship is strictly friends, but as time passes, they soon become more and realize that their feelings for each other is much more than just a simple crush or physical attraction, though the latter is still there. Cutters Vs. Jocks is that "How I met your mom/dad" story that parents tell their kids of how and when they fell in love with each other.

I would definitely recommend this book, especially before moving onto Binding Arbitration. If you love a good contemporary romance novel then this book is for you. Love a relationship that teases you and makes you scream for the couple to jump into the sack, then... this book is for you too. lol. Elizabeth Marx knows how to weave a story and keep you hooked from beginning to end. 


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