Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Tuesday Jams #34 - Aerosmith

Tuesday Jams is a weekly post hosted by Sharonda @ Salacious Reads. This is a way to share with others your love (other then books of course) for music! Want to participate? Easy! Head on over to Salacious Reads & link back up with her Tuesday Jams post in her comments section!

This week on TJ is all about AEROSMITH! And NO I did NOT pick Aerosmith because I'm upset about STyler not being on American Idol this year. Lawls. Though, I kinda like Harry Connick Jr. on that show now. Anywho, back to this weeks pick! AEROSMITH. I lurve classic rock and amongst my faves is Aerosmith. My all time fave song by them is "I Don't Wanna Miss A Thing" which ALSO the song for my fave movie ARMAGEDDON ♥♥ lols.

Hit the play button on the grey music player below to jam with me this fine Tuesday :)

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