Friday, August 17, 2012

Feature & Follow #8

Feature & Follow is a weekly meme hosted by, Parajunkee and Alison Can Read. Each week, each host will have their own Feature Blog which allows them to show off more new blogs! It is a fun way to keep in touch with fellow bloggers, meet new bloggers and gain new followers.

This Weeks Question Is:

What blogger inspires you? It can be any kind, it doesn't have to be a book blog.
EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. OF. YOU. INSPIRE. ME! True story :) I try and make my rounds to all the blogs I follow and comment here and there. I try and leave some meaningful comments (because it's always nice to receive one) So, if I randomly visit your blog and you receive a novel length comment from me, know that I wrote it with love ♥

Here are a list of bloggers that I absolutely love and who've inspired me in one way or another ♥
♥Ning @ Reading by Kindle Fire - Aside from her awesome reviews, Ning is one of the most nicest bloggers I've met. I'm practically on her blog every day! She's insightful with her reviews and I always find myself adding books to my TBR list that she's mentioned. Hell, I have a "Neyra & Nings Recs* on my GR account ;)

Inspiration = Playing Nice (because I can be a total bishh sometimes)
♥Neyra @ Darkest Addictions - If you have a lick of darkness in you, then Neyra's blog is where it's at. Neyra is pretty new to blogging (a few months) but she's doing the damn thang! I love her reviews and her rants on books she loves. Okay, I like her rants on books she doesn't love either xD Yepp.. this is Neyra who is part of the "Neyra & Nings Recs* list on GR.

Inspiration = Dark is good too ;)
♥Braine & Cimmaron over @ Talk Supe - because they're awesome! & because I absolutely love what they have to say about the books they're reading. They always have great reviews :)

Inspiration = Blogging because you love it ♥
 If I didn't mention you here on my blog, I'm sorry :( if that were the case I think I'd just write a book lol. But here's a few other shout-outs to some very AWESOME bloggers that I LOVE!

♥Sharonda @ Salacious Reads - keep it sezzy girl ;)
♥Amanda @ The Book Slayer - slayin' books like a boss xD

Who has inspired you?

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