I'm currently reading One Breath Away by Heather GudenkaufRandom Ramblings: Currently Reading is a weekly meme hosted by Neyra @ Darkest Addictions Book Reviews every Monday. It's where you talk about the book(s) you are currently reading for the week and whether or not you're enjoying it, how you heard of it, and who recommended it to you.
One Breath Away: I am about 45% through this book and I absolutely love it. To be completely honest, I loved this book right from the start! The very first chapter. *sigh* Unfortunately, I'm not able to finish this book all in one sitting. Don't get me wrong, it's a great book & I highly recommend it, but it's so sad. I can't help but get goosebumps or start tearing up every other chapter. Which then causes me to sit the book down and pick up another so that I'm not in total meltdown mode just crying my eyes out. Seriously.. this is me every other chapter ....

Too, too, too, TOO much... Which is why I have been reading this book for over a week now. I'll finish it eventually. Just at a really slow pace.

Okay, I know this isn't part of this post... but I just had to share it with you! Any Pushing the Limits fans out there? Come on.. I know you are!! Soooo.. I was on Twitter (yeah.. big whoop, I'm always on Twitter) and guess who was tweeting away?? Have you guessed? Do you give up? Okay.. okay.. here's who was tweeting away!!
Tell me you're fangirling? cause I know I am ^_^ I will unravel him.... very slowly ;)
haha.. I just had to throw this tweet up there too.. xD