Sunday, August 5, 2012

Random Rants #8

Random Rants is a weekly post I am starting that I will post on Sundays. I will be ranting about things I loved or didn't love from the past week...these rants do not pertain to books.

Wheeew. Okay, This is a bit late, today was a purrrty busy day, but I'm posting now  ^_^
Ahh. I absolutely love Elotes. What are Elotes you ask? Well, I'll tell ya! Elotes is the Mexican name for corn on the cob. It's a popular street food in Mexico.... and SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA! xD Seriously, you can't go 5 blocks without running into your local elote lady/guy ^_^ Well, every Sunday we go to the laundry mat to you know, wash laundry >.< And there's a lady that lives next door to the laundry mat and she sells elotes... *sigh* best elote I've ever had. It's pretty simple to make, but everytime I make it, I swear it just doesn't come out as great as this ladies!! So she slathers mayonnaise on your corn, then she sprinkles a shit load of Parmesan cheese over that, then she'll ask if you want chili powder... and your answer should be YES!! always yes! hehe. Then she'll ask if you want butter... now it's good with or without the butter, but today I had butter ^_^ laaawd I'll be working that off tomorrow >.< but it was so worth it.. It's messy as hell so make sure you have tons of napkins with you :) 

*Click To Enlarge Photo*

**This is me trying to share a little bit about my private life with you all :)**
I absolutely love my family. This past week, I took a lil trip  (seriously... little trip. Took all of 7 min to get there) to visit my babies! Not MY babies, lol, but my lil cousins. There's 6 of them and they're all little runts! The eldest is 14 and the youngest just turned 1 a few months ago. Since they were babies, I've been taking care of them.. Mind you, when the eldest was born I was 7, but she will always be a baby in my eyes. So that means, when I see her texting up a storm to some boy, best believe I will confiscate that phone and make her play with dolls! xD lol. kidding. *sigh* they grow up so fast. Anywho, every time I visit, they just come bounding out the house and into my arms screaming "Ana's here!!" Why, yes! I left my book world behind and decided to visit you monsters! I'm just gonna keep this short and share a few videos of my youngest monster! Her name is Ezette Khaylee, but we call her Znoni or Baby Noni.

This is when she was 5 months... I think lol ^_^

This is her on 4th of July. She's 1 here

NO, that isn't me laughing at her. I wasn't there that day. My sister is recording, she tends to shoot footage of the monsters when she goes to visit them.

Boo Boo = Stupid. If you can hear her, Baby Noni says "Boo Boo" after the fire crackers scare her ^_^ She's so adorable.

Well, that's it for this week ^_^

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