Sunday, August 26, 2012

Random Rants #11

Random Rants is a weekly post I am starting that I will post on Sundays. I will be ranting about things I loved or didn't love from the past week...these rants do not pertain to books.
Okaaaay! Let me tell you guys! I was on YouTube yesterday and I ended up in the alchy's section ;) This immediately made me think of Neyra over @ Darkest Addictions. If you've been following us on Twitter or happen to have super x-ray vision into me & Neyra's emails then you know that about every single one of our tweets/emails has the words "Cheers" or "Shot?" in it *sigh* When guys are being douche bags or life is being a total B!TCH & A HALF we like to turn to our go-to men... JACK & JIM ;) BUT, WAIT! We're not alchy's lmbo.... seriously -___- Okay, well, maybe Neyra is :p Anywho.. so, like I said, I was browsing YouTube and stumbled upon Mamrie Hart's channel "YouDeserveADrink" Fkn' hilarious! Here's one of my fave videos by her ^_^

lmbo @ I sound too smart, I need to drink *CHEERS* \_/ 
*pours shots for all my followers.... all you age legal drinkers that is ;)*

haha. okay. This is another YouTube account I found while browsing that "grown up" section of YouTube *cracks up... haha grown up... smh* This one has Mamrie Hart(YouDeserveADrink) in it, which I think made it that much more funny! lol. Anywho, Mamrie & Grace do a Pre-Review of 50 Shades and I thought it was HILARIOUS and thought I'd share it with you guys ^_^

That's it for this week :)

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