Magic Mike
Director: Steven Soderbergh
Starring: Channing Tatum, Alex Pettyfer, and Oliva Munn (Full cast & crew HERE)
A male stripper teaches a younger performer how to party, pick up women, and make easy money.
Aaah. I finally got a chance to watch Magic Mike! With my mother no less! You see, my mom has a thing for talking during a movie. She'll point out little facts (which I don't mind, I'm used to it) But for this movie? Oh-My-Lanta! If you've seen the trailer for this movie when Magic Mike (Channing Tatum) & The Kid, Adam(Alex Pettyfer), are dressed as cops and are at a sorority house then you'll know what I'm talking about.
Mom: That's exactly how my bachelorette party was.
Me: *turns to mom* WHAT?
Mom: Yeah, just like that.
Me: *facepalm* oh laaaawd
So this continues throughout the movie. You know when Magic Mike performs to Genuine's "My Pony"? Yeah...
*beginning of routine*
Mom: He can dance
Me: Yeah, mom.
*Tatum loses shirt*
Mom: He can really dance
Me: *looks at mom through corner of eye* uh huh
*Tatum dry humping the floor*
Mom: Oh, he's good! He can dance.
Me: *looks left and right for escape route* uh.. yeah, mom.

Ditching the storyline, I want to point out a few of my favorites in this movie ^_^
Channing Tatum - Magic Mike

Joe Manganiello - Big Dick Richie
Gosh. This man is gorgeous and frkn' sezzy! Though he had few lines, I didn't mind ogling his sezzy ass.
The other characters I could care less about. They didn't really "pop" to me. Matt Bomer CANNOT dance! lol. He is cute though ;)
Overall, this movie was okay. Not so great of a storyline, but the half naked men is what kept me watching ;) If you're watching this for that alone, just use the flash-forward button. This movie is only getting 3 Movie Reels because of the sezzy men. If it weren't for them, this movie would have gotten a 1 - 2 Movie Reels.