Dirty Little Secret is a weekly meme hosted by Under the Covers. Every Thursday they get to know other bloggers and their readers more intimately by asking a question hoping to reveal dirty little secrets.To join in the fun all you need to do is:1. Be a follower of Under the Covers.2. Create a post in your blog taking the meme image and copy instructions.3. Answer the question they propose! This can be done in any way you like, post a video, write a post etc.This Week, the Question Is:What book have you read recently that has surprised you (good or bad!), or that has been outside your normal reading genre?
Hmmm. Well, I'm gonna say Guilty Pleasures (Book #1 in the Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter series) by Laurell K. Hamilton. I was really iffy when I started to collect the books in this series to read, seeing as they've been getting so much rave. I just had to find out for myself who the heck was this Anita Blake & what's so danged special about these books. Well, when I first started reading Guilty Pleasures, I was really let down. It started off really slow for me, but I always try and finish a book and I was determined to at least finish this one before passing judgement. About halfway through the book is when I was surprised! The pace picked up and I was introduced to a few more characters that piqued my interest.
I guess this book surprised me both good and bad...
What about you? What book have you read recently that has surprised you?