Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Review: Dirty Secrets by Lonaire Drummond

Dirty Secrets
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Author: Lonaire Drummond
Publisher: CreateSpace (June 14, 2012)
Genre: Contemporary Romance, Erotica 270 pages

Under the maniacal rule of her crazy boss--toilet paper titan--Mindy Corentini, Adele Jaspers is overworked, under-appreciated, and has no time to date. After a narrow escape from a crazy homeless man on a New York City subway train, she has little patience for her boss’s antics. One confrontation away from exploding, Adele does the next best thing, she quits. What does Adele do with her newfound freedom? She takes an impromptu vacation to St. Lucia where she begins a whirlwind romance with an Italian corporate raider, Ambrogio Argentero. Rich, handsome, and arrogant, he lets nothing go to waste. However, his family has some dirty secrets, some of which might get her killed--Renaissance style.

Unexpectedly quitting her job at Corentini, Adele Jaspers takes a long overdue vacation to St. Lucia. Talk about spur of the moment. Not expecting anything other than some down time, Adele finds herself completely drawn to Ambrogio Argentero, a rich, bold, and gorgeous businessman who has her on edge and wanting more with every accented word he speaks. 

Dirty Secrets is a pretty amusing book. I'm a bit on edge with the characters. Adele was okay, to say the least. I wasn't too fond of her, maybe in the beginning I was thinking, "Okay.. I can dig this, she's not so bad." But as the book progressed she started getting more and more irritating to me. Maybe it was because of how she went about doing things, or just because I didn't like her as a character. I'm not too sure yet. But, I will say that Robyne, Adele's best friend, totally made up for that. Although she's hardly mentioned in the book until about the last 5-7 chapters, I think Robyne was a great addition to this book & really kept me reading. Ambrogio, Ambrogio, Ambrogio... Aside from being completely hot & totally arousing, I was a bit iffy with his character too. He's arrogant, selfish, and secretive. If not, more. What he lacked in some areas, he made up for in others. He's also caring, giving, and totally hot in a way that confident men can be.

I liked that this book mixed romance, with dilemmas and had a few heartfelt moments in there, as well as mystery. It was never really "boring", so to speak. I didn't exactly just toss the book aside and think "I just can't continue" nope, not that at all. I was hooked & wanted to know what happened next. What I didn't like was that this book did drag in a few places and that some of the scenes were just too unreal for me to believe. Also, I hate to admit this but I used Google Translate to translate a lot of the dialogue that took place between the characters. Drummond did continue after said dialogue and cleared up a lot of what was just said, but I just felt lost and had to get a better understanding of what was said. There were some grammatical errors here and there and towards the last few chapters in the book, it picked up on those quite a bit. But, nevertheless, I pushed through all that and kept reading. 

I would recommend this book. I think the story as a whole is great, it could have used a bit more work but it wasn't "throw it down the shredder and call it day" type of a book. It was good, if a bit unpolished. To me, at least. 


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