Sunday, July 29, 2012

What's In My Beach Bag #5

What's In My Beach Bag will be a weekly post about all the books & other goodies that I've bought, borrowed or won :)

Hey :) This week was pretty eventful for me. I did get a few books as well as eBooks for review. Here goes...
What I Bought:
Betrayed, Queen of Babble in the Big City and Circus of the Damned I got from The Dollar Book Store for $3.00

When I bought Betrayed, I didn't know if I already had it on my bookshelf... & when I got home... low and behold, there it was on my shelf >.< So, this one might be up for grabs. :)

Received For Review: 

Review Soon
To Come

♥Thanks to HarlequinTEEN Publishing over at NetGalley for Pushing the Limits

Free From Amazon:


That's it for this week.. What did you get?

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