Sunday, July 15, 2012

What's In My Beach Bag #3

What's In My Beach Bag will be a weekly post about all the books & other goodies that I've bought and or borrowed.

Okay, so... I didn't get much this week, which is a pretty good thing, because I have a pile of books that just keeps growing & I don't want to feel swamped... Good thing though, is that I knocked out four books in that pile! Yay me!! *does happy dance* :) Here's what I got this week :)
What I Bought:

♥Texas Bride I bought from Abebooks for $3.95 including shipping.
♥Maverick by Lora Leigh I bought from Goodwill for 0.99¢

Received For Review:

Review Soon
To Come

Review Soon
To Come

♥Thanks to James Lusarde for The Train of Arousal
♥Thanks to Jannelle Drummond for Dirty Secrets
♥Thanks to the publisher over at NetGalley for Fifty Shames of Earl Grey

That's it for this week, what did you get this week?

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