Monday, July 9, 2012

Random Ramblings: Currently Reading #1

Random Ramblings: Currently Reading is a weekly meme hosted by Neyra @ Darkest Addictions Book Reviews every Monday. It's where you talk about the book(s) you are currently reading for the week and whether or not you're enjoying it, how you heard of it, and who recommended it to you.
 I am currently reading Marked (Book #1 in the Eternal Guardians series) by Elisabeth Naughton & Guilty Pleasures (Book #1 in the Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter series) by Laurell K. Hamilton

So far I am 43% through this book & I gotta say I liked it from the very first page. Marked definitely falls into the paranormal romance category and is pretty much waist deep in the erotica genre as well. It's pretty fast paced, which I like. Casey is a girl who has the mark of the prophesy where her death is the only salvation for Theron's people. I don't want to go into too much detail here, as that would just spoil the whole book for you. But IMO it's a great book & I would def recommend it.  I received this book along with others from Cimmaron & Braine over at Talk Supe as a gift. 


Guilty Pleasures: 
I am 61% through this book. I picked this book up because I've heard so many great things about it and decided "What the hell, give it shot." And a shot I did. Maybe I shoulda took a shot before reading this book. >.< I felt like the book was dragging in the beginning, but because it's the first book in the series, (I mighty huge series might I add) I decided to give it the benefit of the doubt & continue to read. And I'm glad I did. For me, this book started to pick up it's pace close the middle and that's where I noticed I stopped forcing myself to keep reading and was actually reading it because I was caught up in the story.  

That's what I'm reading this week, what are you reading? 

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