Sunday, July 22, 2012

What's In My Beach Bag #4

What's In My Beach Bag will be a weekly post about all the books & other goodies that I've bought, borrowed or won :)

This post is extremely late.. but, seeing as it's only 10pm here in Cali it's still Sunday and it's still this weeks haul lol.  So, here's what I got :)
What I Bought:

♥The Darkest Night I bought from Abebooks for $3.63 (including shipping)
♥The Next Mrs. Blackthorne I bought from Goodwill for $0.99 I already read this book, but they were having a sale all paperbacks were $0.99 and hardbacks were $1.99 so, yeah, I had to buy it for my shelf :)

  Received For Review:  

♥Thanks to Random House Publishing over at Edelweiss for Kept

That's it for this week, what did you get? :)

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