Thursday, February 14, 2013

Blogger Takeover: Valentine's Edition! Day 3

Bishhy: Happy fuckin' Valentine's Day! Are you happy? Or are you sulking around because you don't have a valentine for today? *gives you a second to answer* No date? Well, boo fuckin' hoo. Suck it up, buttercup! One dateless day never killed anyone! Why don't you grab yourself a shit load of chocolate and make yourself feel better. It helps, it really does. And for all your lovebirds out there, don't forget to use protection! Some of you really shouldn't be pro—aadf54as2lj@$!A— sonofa— ADASD@asljwe23 

Ana: BISHHY! You can't say that! Have a great val— 2ras54eholdfkj23

Bishhy: Shuuuut the fuck up *pushes Ana back into the closet and locks it back up* DAMN! Anywho, where was I? Oh, right... Some of you really shouldn't be procreating bwahaha! 

*hears muffled curses coming from the closet*

AANNNND let's get on with the show!


Bishhy: Welcome baaack! It’s our last day of the takeover! Yepp, that’s right, It’s our last day and y’all can have Ana and Neyra back *laughs haughtily* 

Phiendz: Although we make no promises they’ll be 100% intact once they’re out of harms way *smirks* 

Bishhy: Mwahahahaha. ;)

On this fantabulous day of lovers across the vast planet, we will be boasting about our FAVORITE ROMANCE COUPLES! 

Phiendz: The fools who made us weap with their damaged souls, and the foolish women who made us want to slap them around a time or two, but provided our alphas with much needed (and HOT) release ;) The couples who gave us the best love stories to touch our hearts, because we stayed up late crying and hurting with these couples and they brought out the raging pms bitch in all of us at the injustice of their heartaches!! >.< Alright, *clasps hands together* You ready Bishhy? :)

Bishhy: *wipes brow* wow, you said it and yep I’s definitely ready! Let’s do this! 
  • Couple Numero Uno: PARIS & SIENNA (LOTU series - Gena Showalter)

Bishhy: Paris & Sienna, as short lived as this brief moment in time was, Gena Showalter managed to both crush my heart and make my eyes leak all in a span of 10 PAGES! 

Phiendz: Yeah, I loved and hated watching Paris break down. If we all remember he was the man-whore of the LOTU. The carefree party-boy who always made everyone smile. After Sienna, it devastated me to watch him fall apart. And their encounter was the sweetest, who knew the stud would go for a plain Jane ;) *sigh* Paris♥

  • Couple Numero Dos: GIDEON & EVA (CROSSFIRE series - Sylvia Day)

Phiendz: Gideon Cross. I mean, really... need I say more? Well, okay if ya’ll insist! Sheesh! xD The magnetism Gideon has, and the secrets he guards were all masks to hide the damaged soul he became. The relationship between him and Eva was HOT! She understands him, and sees him as no one ever has. I can’t say too much without spoiling the books, but if you’ve read them you understand the pull this man has, and with Eva, the woman who’s been through hell yet still has the strength to move on. *(I’ll be the first to admit I want to strangle her though)* I am a proud Crossfire Girl ;)

  • Couple Numero Tres: ZSADIST & BELLA (BDB series - J.R. Ward)

Bishhy: OH. MY. GOSH. If there is a couple that will forever be pulling at my heartstrings, it’s going to be Z & Bella. Just... holy fucking shit. That’s a world of hurt and a helluva world of love. My fave book in the BDB series by far! 

  • Couple Numero Cuatro: ZAREK & ASTRID (Dark Hunters series by Sherrilyn Kenyon)

Phiendz: Oooh, my first love.. Vampire *gasps*, okay so he’s technically a Dark Hunter *shrugs* -- Zarek of Moesia and the woman who would unknowingly change his world, Astrid. I loved the chemistry between these two. Zarek’s damaged and off-the-wall insane, he’s a sadistic bastard with just the right amount of asshole to make anyone run away. *(I have a problem with the damaged Alpha’s yes, I know xD)*-- But Astrid saves him not from the world, but from himself. It’s one of those love stories you have to read to understand. 

  • Couple Numero Cinco: YARA & BRENT (The Yara Silva Trilogy)
Phiendz: I have very few YA favorite couples, but it’s mostly because the heroine always disappoints with her incessant whining and woe-is-me-fuck-my-life moments, but Yara Silva & Brent were different for me. I loved reading about how their love developed, it was as usual she gets attracted to the hot guy, BUT she took her time in getting to know him, and I’ll admit they were off to a rocky start. This story pulled at my heart strings, because well...k gadjoighjadkog!!!

Neyra: YOU CAN’T SPOIL THE STORY YOU STU--dkgjoadkfj!!

Phiendz: *waves dismissively* Yeah, yeah. Don’t get your panties in a twist. As I was saying, you’ll have to read this story to find out what happens to these two ;)

  • Couple Numero Seis: NOAH & ECHO (PUSHING THE LIMITS series - Katie McGarry)

Phiendz: NOAH!!!!! *dreamy sigh* Need I say more, Bishhy?

Bishhy: No, nope... NADA! He’s just... *sigh* let’s leave it at that! If I could mentally and physically undress and *cough* riiiiight. Too young for me xD

Phiendz: *rolls eyes* he’s eighteen ya know. LOL Anyways, I loved their relationship, like I said, there’s not many YA couples that are my favorite, but both Echo and Noah surprised me with their growth and their stories. I loved watching this love unfurl and become something so beautiful for two people who’d been damaged so much. *sigh* ♥

Bishhy: As nice as that eighteen year old might be, and quite delectable at that, he’s too young for me. I like my men a bit older than myself thank YOU very much. Ya ol’ Justin Bieber lovin’ ass! 

Phiendz: *sigh* forever with that, huh? *shakes head* There’s really no point in a rebuttal. So on we go with the post. 

Bishhy: Riiight. On we go... 

And because we couldn’t keep it at just SIX, we’ve decided to list a bunch of other couples that have made us grab that forsaken box of tissues! DAMN YOU heart-strings-pulling-tear-jerking-heart-stopping AUTHORS! (but we still love you) 

            • Lucien & Anya 
            • Penryn & Raffe
            • Jenks & Matalina 
            • Kristen & Rachel 
            • Flint & Hannah 
            • Reyes & Dannika
            • Aeron & Olivia
            • Shade & Runa
            • Reseph & Jillian
            • Edgar & Elle
            • Howard & Kat
            • Acheron & Tory
            • Alex & Brittney
            • Wrath & Beth 
            • Vishous & Jane
            • Tehrror & Xhexania 
            • Tohrment & Wellesandra  
            • Qhuinn & Blaylock 
            • Aidan & Elizabeth 

Disclaimer: This post was brought to you by Bishhy & Phiendz. Anything said on this post was meant to be said in a crass way, so PLEASE keep your complaints to yourself and DO NOT bash Ana & Neyra as they have NOTHING to do with these two lunatics. Thanks and have fan-fkn-tastic VDay, and tell StupidCupid to shove that arrow in your sweet spot and make it nasty ;)

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