Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Tuesday Jams #19

Tuesday Jams is a weekly post hosted by Sharonda @ Salacious Reads. This is a way to share with others your love (other then books of course) for music! Want to participate? Easy! Head on over to Salacious Reads & link back up with her Tuesday Jams post in her comments section!
Wasssuupp? :) Okay, I seriously wish this meme was an everyday kinda thing, cause it was so danged hard to pick just ONE artist to feature (unless it's a mix of course). So, anyway. This week I thought I was gonna throw in something I'm pretty sure y'all have never heard before (unless you're from New Zealand then I'm pretty sure you know who this artist is) So, without further ado here it is!
Recognize her? No? Well, let me tell you all about her! Aaradhna is her name. She is an R&B/Pop Artist/Music Producer in New Zealand :O She's very popular in New Zealand and popular here in the United States by the Polynesian community. She is of Samoan and Indian decent. 

Aaradhna shot to stardom with her debut album "I Love You" that dropped in 2006 and since then has dropped two more albums "Sweet Soul Music" which was also released in 2006 and "Trebel & Reverb" that just recently hit stores and iTunes (NZ) in November of 2012. 

I absolutely love this girl! Her music has that soulful vibe that is rare with mainstream music now-a-days. I am in LOOOVE with her new album Trebel & Reverb which has a very bluesy/old school feel to it. It's AMAZING! I've had her "Crying Like A Wolf" on repeat all dang day! I went on iTunes to buy a song off of her album and I was sooooo disappointed that only NZ folks can buy :( no me gusta! I guess I shall stick with YouTube for now. 

This video is just a SNIPPIT of the song that I went on iTunes to purchase and was DENIED lol. It's the intro to the Trebel & Reverb CD. This snippit is such a frkn TEASE! What am I to do?!?!?! *shrugs* the replay button is getting raped by me at the moment xD

Press play on the music player at the bottom of this page to listen to a few of my fave songs off of Aaradhna's Trebel & Reverb CD! Enjoy :)

P.S. If you live in New Zealand an want to buy me this CD, I am NOT opposed ;) and I will LOVE you forever :p

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