Sunday, January 13, 2013

Blog Tour: Review: A Beautiful Lie by T.E. Sivec

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*This book was given to me in exchange for an honest review*

A Beautiful Lie
(Book #1 in the Playing with Fire series)
Amazon | Goodreads | BN
Author: T.E. Sivec
Publisher: Self published (January 2, 2013)
Genre: Romantic Suspense, 388 pages

He saw her first, but his friend made the move.

She settled for the safer choice, but her heart knew the truth.

They love, they crave, they lie.

Garrett McCarthy, Annabelle Parker, and Milo Roberts were as close as friends could get. They shared in each other's joy during graduations, promotions, and engagements. They consoled one another through heartache and loss.

When one of the friend's life is tragically cut short, it's up to the two left behind to pick up the pieces and find out the truth - no matter the cost. As they slowly start to uncover the nature of his deception, and the very powerful people behind it, they begin to question everyone and everything, even themselves.

Everyone has secrets - some do it for love while others do it for power. Those secrets can change perceptions, alter reality and sometimes destroy lives.

What do you do when you find out your whole life has been a lie?

Ahhh. What to say, what to say. This is definitely different from Tara's previous works. BUT, not totally different. You can still feel the comedy pulling through, especially with some of the characters in this book. And the easy flow of the story line as well. You've got two best friends with feelings for each other, but who are freaking oblivious to it. You've also got a shit load of secrets that make the book all that more interesting and keeps you on the edge and wanting to know what the hell is going to happen next. Yeah, I had to stop reading a few times and look at my screen with a "What-The-Fuck-Was-That" kinda face, which then turned into "Unholy-Shit-That-Was-Not-Foreseen-In-My-Crystal-Ball" kinda face. And then re-reading said surprising part of the book and getting my mind blown again and again...and again. Mhm. Like I said, shit load of secrets. 

The attraction between Parker (Annabelle) & McCarthy (Garret.. *takes a minute to swoon over this character and his name*)  is definitely there, if hiding under a heavy ass blanket and is suffering from suffocation, just wanting to jump out and bring these two together so they can stop THINKING about... 
  • kissing
  • hard ons
  • rolling around in the bed
  • doing her from behind
  • joining the mile high club
  • on the table
  • every. damn. where.

There were a few things I both liked and disliked. Let's start with the dislikes, shall we? I'll admit, it took a while to get into this book. After the first couple of pages I had to put it down. Then after a bit of pushing through, I'd grown to get more into the story. There was a bit of whiplash, the POV jumps from character to character, which was one of the downers for me. On to likes... I really liked the story as a whole. Being a Romantic Suspense, I thought the romance and the suspense tied together really well. There was a lot of suspense and just as much romance, though, the romance was starting to scare me, in a "Oh-My-Gosh-Stop-Thinking-About-Doing-Her-From-Behind-And-Do-Her-Already" kinda way. So, it was a really slow-ish kind of build up, unless you release some of that sexual tension with all the naughty thoughts running through their heads lol. The whole government aspect of it added a bit of that suspense, and of course all the asskicking weapons they got to haul around too. 

Overall, I thought the book was pretty good and flowed really well, it just took a while for me to get into it. It was good, but I wasn't jumping up an down with joy. Would I recommend this book? Yepp, go ahead and grab yourself a copy and dive into this world of secrets and suspense. T.E. Sivec gives you something new to look forward to, aside from her romantic comedies, and yepp all you series lovers out there, this bad boy is book numero uno in the Playing with Fire series. 


T.E. Sivec is the pen name for Tara Sivec. Under T.E. Sivec, she delves into a more serious genre that is her absolute favorite to read - romantic suspense.  She loves reading a book and feeling her heart speed up with anticipation and wanted to be able to give that feeling to her fans.
T.E. lives in Ohio with her husband and two children, living the dream of being a full-time writer.

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