Friday, January 4, 2013

Feature & Follow #12

Feature & Follow is a weekly meme hosted by, Parajunkee and Alison Can Read. Each week, each host will have their own Feature Blog which allows them to show off more new blogs! It is a fun way to keep in touch with fellow bloggers, meet new bloggers and gain new followers.

This Weeks Question Is:
What New Years Blogging or Writing resolution have you placed on yourself?
My New Years Blogging/Writing resolution is to...
 ....Errr...I mean...for blogging, my resolution is to blog more. I tend to let the days pass by and only post a few times a week. But, I plan on making a change on that.

As for writing, to finish my book that seems to be growing more and more empty pages as I sit here and stare at it lol... shhh. don't tell anyone haha. Out little secret, eh?
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