Thursday, January 10, 2013

Chattin' It Up + Giveaway with Jessica Scott

Ana: Welcome to Beach Bum Reads! I’m glad you can join me today :)
JScott: Thanks so much for having me today! 

Ana: We’re going to start off with some basics…Can you tell us a little about yourself? 
JScott: Um, you mean other than I’m slightly insane? I’m your average working mom, trying to balance life, a job, kids, pets and not burning dinner. Let’s be honest, I burn dinner. A lot. 

Ana: lol. you and me both xD -- What was the first book that got you into reading? 
JScott: Oh wow. Honestly, I don’t ever remember not knowing how to read and I’ve always been a book worm. I thought it was really cool that my hometown library highlighted a print copy of my book To Iraq & Back because I spent so much time there as a teenager. 

Ana: What/who inspired you to become a writer?
JScott: Wow, you know I started writing fanfiction based on Anne McCaffrey’s Pern series when I was a kid. I’ve always gotten these good idea but never really wrote much beyond a few hundred words. Then in 2007, I started writing and actually finished a book (that shall never, ever be published but hey, it was a learning process). And I’ve never stopped writing since. 

Ana: Is there anything you want to say to aspiring writers? 
JScott: Learn your craft. Read. Don’t be so anxious for publication because while it’s a goal, it should not be why you write. Write because you love it, because you can’t not write. Don’t write for the money (ha!) or the fame (ha ha!). Write because it’s what you are, you know? 

Ana: *nodding head in agreement* -- Inquiring minds want to know…okay, okay, my little brother is standing over my shoulder and he’s in AJROTC and he is asking…
Lil Bro: What rank are you?
JScott: I’m a captain stationed at Fort Hood. 

Ana:  Being active in the military, how do you manage to compose a novel?
JScott: I’ve still got my me time, despite being a soldier. Writing is how I relax and it helps me look at things from a different perspective. Sometimes when something truly bizarre happens, I think that’s going in a book some day. It helps get me through, you know? 

Ana: Your books are military based that have some pretty steamy bits and pieces in it, do the soldiers get kinky down at base? 
JScott: Um, young, single and generally fit. I’ll let you decide, lol!

Ana: LOL! Good answer! -- Your characters are going through some tough battles as well as fighting a battle in your books, how hard was it to pull all these different stories together and make them work in a book?
JScott: It was very tough to get my books demilitarized for the average non military reader. I discovered very early on that words that are part of my every day lexicon confuse civilians. So while I might thing TOC, I have to write out and have my characters say tactical operations cell. There’s just no other way to avoid confusion. 

Ana: Are you currently working on anything? Care to share some tidbits (or…a lot of tidbits lol)?
JScott: I’m finishing up Laura & Trent’s book, the much awaited conclusion to the story started in BECAUSE OF YOU and I’m also finishing up the final touches on Reza’s story called COME HOME TO ME. After that, I’ve got a couple other things in the pot but those are secret. 

Ana: Okay, last question… and I’ve gotta ask… are you a beach bum? 
JScott: There is nothing better than a day at the beach! Seriously, I love watching my kids dig in the sand and just relax away from the internet and cell phones. It’s really great to unplug and just unwind. 

Ana: Thanks for stopping by! It was a pleasure having you here today :)
JScott: Thanks for the great interview! 

Think Fast

Water or Soda?
JScott: Water

Coffee or Tea?
JScott: Coffee

Zombies or Vampires?
JScott: Vampires

Rap or Rock?
JScott: Rock

Day or Night?
JScott: Night

Salad or Burger? 
JScott: Burger

Concluding our little chat, Jessica has offered to do a giveaway! *happy dancing here, people* .... are you happy dancing? GOOD! What's up for grabs you ask? o.O ALL THREE of Jessica Scott's books! *more happy dancing* Yepp, that's right. You get books 1 & 2 in the Coming Home series AND Jessica Scott's nonfiction novel To Iraq & Back

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Jessica Scott is a career army officer, mother of two daughters, three cats and three dogs, wife to a career NCO and wrangler of all things stuffed and fluffy. She is a terrible cook and even worse housekeeper, but she's a pretty good shot with her assigned weapon and someone liked some of the stuff she wrote. Somehow, her children are pretty well adjusted and her husband still loves her, despite burned water and a messy house.

Oprah has called her. True story.

Her debut novel BECAUSE OF YOU launched Loveswept, the first Random House digital imprint.

She's written for the New York Times At War Blog, PBS Point of View Regarding War, and IAVA. She deployed to Iraq in 2009 as part of OIF/New Dawn and is currently a company commander stationed at Fort Hood.

Most recently, she's been featured as one of Esquire Magazine's Americans of the Year for 2012.

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