Monday, March 18, 2013

Manicure Monday #4

Manicure Monday is a meme hosted by Nite Lite Book Reviews. Take your current read and give yourself one fantastic manicure! 
Welcome back to another week of Manicures! Oh, but I do love doing my nails. I actually just ran out of nail polish remover after I took off last weeks mani, so I told myself I better not mess up. Lmbo. And I didn't ^_^ It got a bit messy too *wipes brow* on to the mani! 


My name is Meredith Gentry, but of course it's not my real name. I dare not even whisper my true name after dark for fear that one hushed word will travel over the night winds to the soft ear of my aunt, the Queen of Air and Darkness. She wants me dead. I don't even know why...

I fled the high court of Faerie three years ago and have been in hiding ever since. As Merry Gentry, I am a private investigator for the Grey Detective Agency: Supernatural Problems, Magical Solutions. My magical skills, scorned at the courts of Faerie, are valued in the human world. Even by human standards, my magic isn't flashy, which is fine by me. Flashy attracts attention and I can't afford that.

Rumour has it that I am dead. Not quite. I am Princess Meredith NicEssus. To speak that name after dark is to call down a knock upon your door from a hand that can kill you with a touch. I have been careful, but not careful enough. The shadows have found me, and they are going to take me back home, one way or another.

So the running is over. But the fighting has just begun...

Rich, sensual, brimming with dangerous magic, A Kiss of Shadows is a dazzling tour-de-force where folklore, fantasy and erotically charged adventure collide.

Alright! Last week I couldn't get myself to pick up a book that needs to be reviewed, so I started rereading the Meredith Gentry novels by Laurell K. Hamilton. *le sigh* Oh, but I do love those books. So, of course, this weeks mani is all about the Unseelie court ;) 
A little bit messy *shrugs*


So, I mentioned the Unseelie court, if you're familiar with the Merry Gentry novels and the world of faerie then you know that the Unseelie Court is the dark court and the Seelie Court is the light court. I absolutely love Merry and all her men *swoon* so I figured I would do a mani that represented the dark throne (and it kinda sorta matched the cover)

Description: I did a 3D look on my nails with a matte finish. The matte black represents the Unseelie court and all its darkness. I wanted a matte black rather then a nice shiny one because the Unseelie sidhe are dark, dark creatures lol. I would have left it at the matte black, but that's just not my style xD So I did a 3D effect to represent the Unseelie sidhe. They aren't perfect, and most of them are the product of mixed blood and being cast away from the Seelie court for not being "perfect".  I didn't add a top coat, as that would have ruined the matte finish.

Nail polish used: NYX Girls: Collection Noir

To create a matte polish: Nail polish of choice, toothpick & corn starch. On a small palette mix your nail polish and a bit of corn starch. The more corn starch you mix in, the more matte the color. Mix until there are no lumps in your polish (it doesn't lump easily, but just break apart the corn starch) Apply quickly, because the polish will set and get tacky and we don't want that!

Link up below if you're joining in on this meme! 
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