Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Tuesday Jams #26

Tuesday Jams is a weekly post hosted by Sharonda @ Salacious Reads. This is a way to share with others your love (other then books of course) for music! Want to participate? Easy! Head on over to Salacious Reads & link back up with her Tuesday Jams post in her comments section!
Welcome back to another week of Tuesday Jams. Today, I thought I'd just give you guys one song today. I absolutely love this song and every time I'm in my "sad/depressed" mood I can listen to this and totally just cope with the music.

Yeah. I'm in one of those moods and I'm just going to throw me one big freakin' pity party for myself. *tosses confetti* 

GAH. I love this song. Just... watch the video ;(
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