TBR Pile Knockout is a weekly meme hosted by Ana of Beach Bum Reads and Anna of Herding Cats & Burning Soup. This meme was created to tackle our HUGE and STILL GROWING TBR piles.
We will be posting on the FIRST of EVERY month for the rest of the year. Our goal is to make a rather nice dent in our TBR piles. So, aside from our other lovely reads, we will be making sure ONE book out of our TBR pile will be read :)Want to join in? Check out the rules:
1. Go to your TBR pile and randomly pick one book off your list!
- We'll be using random.org to pick our reads.
- Type in the number of books in your TBR pile where it says "MAX"
- Then click generate and it will give you your randomly selected book!
2. Come back here each week (or however often you'd like to join in) and link up your "TBR Pile Knockout" post in the linky below!
- NOTE: If the book chosen via random.org is part of a series, you can go ahead and read the first book in said series.
Don't know what to write in your post? You can Add the cover for your book, the book summary and details (author, publisher, etc.), you can leave a line or two on how long that book was sitting in your TBR Pile, or just tell us what you think about starting this one! You can always add in a review for your last pick too!Don't have a blog? You can still join in! Just link in your Goodreads reviews or add link the Amazon/B&N page for the book and leave your thoughts in a comment on this page :)
*Click on photos to enlarge*
QUICK ANNOUNCEMENT: Anna and I have decided to push the meme to one book a month. That way we wont suck at our own meme. *sigh* Sad, I know. BUT, that means if you've been hesitant to jump in because of the timing and the amount of books, then FEAR NO MORE! lol. Of course, if you finish one book before the month is finished, you are more then welcome to randomly select another book, or just pick one out from your TBR pile that you've been wanting to read.
Lol. I did not finish my book. BUT, I'm gonna defend myself here. I did start it and I did get more then halfway through it, AND it is good. Really good actually. I just got sidetracked with other books *cough* Merry Gentry series by Laurell K. Hamilton *cough* You know how there are books you just CAN'T stay away from and want to devour them in one sitting? Yepp, that's the Merry Gentry series for me. I haven't read them in years, so I've been rereading them and loving EVERY. SINGLE. SECOND.
Still need to read:
Lol. I did not finish my book. BUT, I'm gonna defend myself here. I did start it and I did get more then halfway through it, AND it is good. Really good actually. I just got sidetracked with other books *cough* Merry Gentry series by Laurell K. Hamilton *cough* You know how there are books you just CAN'T stay away from and want to devour them in one sitting? Yepp, that's the Merry Gentry series for me. I haven't read them in years, so I've been rereading them and loving EVERY. SINGLE. SECOND.
Still need to read:
♥Exiled: 1% done
♥Awakening: 0% done
♥The Seer's 7 Deadly Fairy Tales: 34% done - I've attempted at this one and I'm just not feeling it. So, it shall sit on this TBR list until I feel I can pick it up without reading and not comprehending a dang word read.
♥How Sweet It Is: 0% done
This time my pick is...
When hockey phenom Billie-Jo Barker returns home and decides to play in the local Friday night hockey league, all hell breaks loose. Not because Billie's talent is in question, but because Billie is a woman. And though these are modern times, some of the local guys still have a problem letting a girl into their 'men's club.'
Soon, Billie is at the center of a small town battle of the sexes, with everyone choosing sides. Her sisters. The townsfolk. Her friends. And yet, the only person whose opinion she cares about doesn't seem to care much at all. Logan Forest, the man who broke her heart when she was eighteen and the man she now shares the bench with every Friday night.
She's got a lot to prove and though Billie Jo Barker scores on the ice, will this girl ever score with the man of her dreams?
Oh, SNAP! I think Random.org is finally starting to warm up to me. lol. I got this book a while back on Amazon while it was free and couldn't wait to start it. And I'm glad I finally get the chance to read it. AND it's got sports in it! Hockey to be exact. That will count towards Anna's @ Herding Cats & Burning Soups's Sports Romance Reading Challenge. To check out the reading challenge click HERE.
So, what was your random pick this week?