Monday, March 4, 2013

TBR Pile Knockout #6

TBR Pile Knockout is a weekly meme hosted by Ana of Beach Bum Reads and Anna of Herding Cats & Burning Soup. This meme was created to tackle our HUGE and STILL GROWING TBR piles.

We will be posting EVERY other Monday for the rest of the year. Our goal is to make a rather nice dent in our TBR piles. So, aside from our other lovely reads, we will be making sure ONE book out of our TBR pile will be read :)

Want to join in? Check out the rules:

1. Go to your TBR pile and randomly pick one book off your list!
  • We'll be using to pick our reads.
  • Type in the number of books in your TBR pile where it says "MAX"
  • Then click generate and it will give you your randomly selected book!
  • NOTE: If the book chosen via is part of a series, you can go ahead and read the first book in said series. 
2. Come back here each week (or however often you'd like to join in) and link up your "TBR Pile Knockout" post in the linky below!

Don't know what to write in your post? You can Add the cover for your book, the book summary and details (author, publisher, etc.), you can leave a line or two on how long that book was sitting in your TBR Pile, or just tell us what you think about starting this one! You can always add in a review for your last pick too!

Don't have a blog? You can still join in! Just link in your Goodreads reviews or add link the Amazon/B&N page for the book and leave your thoughts in a comment on this page :)
*Click on photos to enlarge*

Alright. I was really excited to read this one the last two weeks. But, unfortunately I wasn't even able to pick it up. Didn't even read the first sentence >.< I've been swamped with review books to read and I've done pretty good on that front. Finished about 3 books this past weekend, so I'm happy about that. So I'll definitely be starting this one soon. 

The other books that are still needing to be read from this meme are ... 

Exiled: 1% done
Awakening: 0% done
The Seer's 7 Deadly Fairy Tales: 34% done - I've attempted at this one and I'm just not feeling it. So, it shall sit on this TBR list until I feel I can pick it up without reading and not comprehending a dang word read.
This time my pick is...


Sassy London journalist, Amy Norton, is on the trail of a missing TV celebrity. When her over-protective father hires a bodyguard to accompany her during her investigative work, she's furious. Things only get worse when she realizes the bodyguard is the guy she mistakenly approached on a blind date the night before. She was all over the man and embarrassed herself, big time. The last thing she wants is to have him obstructing her task, gorgeous though he is.

Undercover Investigator, Sebastian Armitage, is amused and fascinated by the situation and sets out to charm the pants off the hot-headed Ms Norton. She is one sexy lady, and he wants her. Before long they embark on a red-hot affair, but how is Sebastian going to point out that she's going about investigate work the wrong way, while keeping her sweet?

62,000 words in length, hot contemporary romance. Please note, this title contains explicit language and graphic sex scenes.

Alright. I'm not making myself anymore promises. If I get to this one, I'll be damned proud of myself. Lol. It seems interesting enough. And I do love the cover. AND it's a hot contemporary romance. I've been lost in New Adult this past week, so I think I need to step it up and jump into my adult contemp. reads. 

So, what was your random pick this week?

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