Monday, March 18, 2013

Review: In Need of Therapy by Tracie Banister

In Need of Therapy
Amazon | Goodreads | BN

Author: Tracie Banister
Publisher: Self Published (July 19, 2012)
Genre: Adult, Contemporary Romance, 478 pages

ASIN: B008N6Z36Y
My Copy: eBook

Lending a sympathetic ear and dispensing sage words of advice is all part of the job for psychologist Pilar Alvarez, and she’s everything a good therapist should be: warm, compassionate, supportive. She listens, she cares, and she has all the answers, but how’s the woman everyone turns to in their hour of need supposed to cope when her own life starts to fall apart?

While working hard to make a success of her recently-opened practice in trendy South Beach, Pilar must also find time to cater to the demands of her boisterous Cuban family, which includes younger sister Izzy, an unemployed, navel-pierced wild child who can't stay out of trouble, and their mother, a beauty queen turned drama queen who’s equally obsessed with her fading looks and getting Pilar married before it’s “too late.” Although she’d like to oblige her mother and make a permanent love connection, Pilar’s romantic prospects look grim. Her cheating ex, who swears that he’s reformed, is stalking her. A hunky, but strictly off-limits, patient with bad-boy appeal and intimacy issues is making passes. And the sexy shrink in the suite across the hall has a gold band on his left ring finger.

When a series of personal and professional disasters lead Pilar into the arms of one of her unsuitable suitors, she's left shaken, confused, and full of self-doubt. With time running out, she must make sense of her feelings and learn to trust herself again so that she can save her business, her family, and most importantly, her heart.

Pilar Alvarez is a therapist who is nearly 30 years old and still isn't married. That "still" being stressed by her ever persistent and overtly dramatic mama. Aside from helping her patients get through all of their problems, Pilar finds herself in a bit of a romance puddle. With three guys no less.

It took me a while to get into this book, but once I got to about 30% in, this book was easy sailing. I wasn't really a big fan of Pilar and a few other characters in this book. They just weren't my cup of tea, but that didn't stop the awesomeness that is this book. Aside from my slight dislike for Pilar, I thought her therapy patients were pretty danged cool. The problems they dealt with I wouldn't have thought of, even though they were pretty common. And I'm sure that a few of us have run into people with said problems:
  • Hypochondriac 
  • Teenage body issues
  • Man Whore
  • Marriage issues
  • Clingy woman
Familiar with these? Yepp. Aren't we all. Ms. Banister sure does have a way with going about these issues that I wouldn't even have touched. I felt these characters, as little page time as they had, were very believable. 

Pilar doesn't just have to deal with her patients, but also with her starting up business, rent, family issues, clingy-ex-boyfriend-who-doesn't-understand-the-meaning-of-no, a patient with the hots for her, and a hot new doctor who takes up the office right next to hers. All these things kept me turning the page and anticipating what will happen next, even the patients. 

I would definitely recommend this book. It might be oozing with other peoples problems, but it's definitely a light read with a budding romance in the making. 
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