Saturday, June 30, 2012

ARC Review: Big Sky Mountain by Linda Lael Miller

Big Sky Mountain
(Book #2 in the Swoon Worthy Cowboys Series)

| GoodReads
Author: Linda Lael Miller
Publisher: HQN Books
Release Date: July 24, 2012
Genre: Romance, 384 pages


With his rugged good looks, vast wealth and family name, hell-raiser Hutch Carmody is still the golden boy of Parable, Montana. But he's done some growing up-making peace with his illegitimate half brother and inheriting half of Whisper Creek Ranch, which should have been all his. These days, Hutch knows there are some things money can't buy: like the heart of loving, ladylike divorcé e Kendra Shepherd. 

Kendra's quiet mansion reminds her of what she wants most-a devoted husband and the pitter-patter of little feet. She can't get Hutch Carmody out of her mind. But a rough-and-tumble cowboy like Hutch, coming home for family dinner? Seems crazy! Then again, crazier dreams have become reality under the vast Montana sky.


Calling off a wedding is one thing, calling off a wedding during the actual wedding is another thing entirely. And the town sure does keep talking when Hutch Carmody, a rich rancher with a way for leaving broken hearts behind him, calls off his wedding while his would-have-been bride Brylee Parish is walking down the isle. Kendra Shepherd is no new witness to the ways of Hutch Carmody, having been through the romp with Hutch, Kendra can't afford to let her heart have it's way when it comes to him. Especially since she now has a daughter. 

Let me just say that this book is better than the first. Right from the first page I was captured by what was going on & how in the hell could someone get married and have kids during the interim of the two books! And then I was brought back to serenity when I kept reading. Hutch is definitely a swoon worthy cowboy, Aside from his good hunky dory looks, I think men who respond to children & show a loving heart to them are definitely swoon worthy. We are introduced to Madison, Kendra's adopted daughter, in the beginning of the book & the conversations this little girl has brought a different element to the book entirely. Picking up a romance, you're more entitled to be enthralled by the couple the book surrounds but, as the book progresses, you can't help but love this little girl. Kendra Sheperd is caring around a lot of issues, all from her past. Having love and lost with Hutch Carmody and having been married and divorced to Madison's father, Kendra is trying to change around her life entirely to give her daughter what she never had. Love.

There is a lot I liked about this book. First, Hutch. Laaaawd, let me have a man like that & I'm good to go! Hutch is different from his brother Slade Barlow. Where Slade is more quiet & thought provoking, Hutch will speak his mind & speak it right there on the spot. And he's great with children... I mean, come on.. totally won me there! What I didn't like... well, I can't say I didn't like anything.. unless I can say I wish there was more smutty scenes? But then again, that wouldn't have boded well for the book. But, let me just say that Hutch Carmody sounds like a great lover. He loves him some foreplay & won't have it any other way. Kendra is one lucky woman to have a man devour her like he does ;) 

I would definitely recommend this book. If you're looking for something light and fun, then Hutch Carmody is just what you need :) I am definitely looking forward to the next book in this series. Big Sky River is said to be released by December 18, 2012. There is no blurb, but I'm sure I know just who's story it's going to be & I am super excited for it! 


What's In My Beach Bag #1

Hey! Okay, this week has been pretty hectic. Haven't gotten much reading done but, I did go out and buy a lot of books & I received a few as well!
What I Bought:

♥City of Bones & Burned: I bought these from Goodwill for a total of $8.00
♥Rhymes with Witches & McKettrick's Pride: I bought these from a thrift store for a total of $0.80
♥Born In Fire, Guilty Pleasures, Bloody Bones, Burnt Offerings & The Body Guard: I bought from the dollar book store for a total of: $6.00
♥Wicked Nights: I bought from CVS for $8.00 

That's a grand total of *drum roll please*... $22.80 .... yeah, I'm a happy camper hehe.. That's great for 10 books huh? :)

What I Received ♥From Braine & Cimmaron over at Talk Supe... Thanks!!♥:

I am super excited to read all of these books, some of them are a part of a series & I got them because I couldn't pass up the great deal! So yeah, hopefully next week my schedule isn't going to be as hectic as this week & I get more down for some R&R! Lawd know's I need it. That's it for my haul! What did you get? :)

Friday, June 29, 2012

18 & Over Book Blogger Follow #6

18 & Over Book Blogger Follow is a weekly feature that begins on Fridays and runs through the weekend, hosted by Crystal from Reading Between the Wines. This is a Friday blog hop with the objective to find and visit other book blogs that share the same interest as you, namely books geared towards the 18 & over crowd, and make some new friends!

This Weeks Question:
If you could only gift one book to someone which book would it be?

For YA, I would gift the first book in the Moganville Vampire Series by Rachel Caine. Because, everyone needs to read them! lol.

From the author of the popular Weather Warden series. Welcome to Morganville, Texas.

Just don't stay out after dark.

College freshman Claire Danvers has had enough of her nightmarish dorm situation, where the popular girls never let her forget just where she ranks in the school's social scene: somewhere less than zero.

When Claire heads off-campus, the imposing old house where she finds a room may not be much better. Her new roommates don't show many signs of life. But they'll have Claire's back when the town's deepest secrets come crawling out, hungry for fresh blood.

Hmm..  And for Adult, I would gift the first book in the Georgina Kincaid series by Richelle Mead. Love this series :)

Succubus (n.) An alluring, shape-shifting demon who seduces and pleasures mortal men.
Pathetic (adj.) A succubus with great shoes and no social life. See: Georgina Kincaid.

When it comes to jobs in hell, being a succubus seems pretty glamorous. A girl can be anything she wants, the wardrobe is killer, and mortal men will do anything just for a touch. Granted, they often pay with their souls, but why get technical?

But Seattle succubus Georgina Kincaid's life is far less exotic. Her boss is a middle-management demon with a thing for John Cusack movies. Her immortal best friends haven't stopped teasing her about the time she shape-shifted into the Demon Goddess getup complete with whip and wings. And she can't have a decent date without sucking away part of the guy's life. At least there's her day job at a local bookstore--free books; all the white chocolate mochas she can drink; and easy access to bestselling, sexy writer, Seth Mortensen, aka He Whom She Would Give Anything to Touch but Can't.

But dreaming about Seth will have to wait. Something wicked is at work in Seattle's demon underground. And for once, all of her hot charms and drop-dead one-liners won't help because Georgina's about to discover there are some creatures out there that both heaven and hell want to deny...
What about you? What book would you gift?

Feature & Follow #2

Feature & Follow is a weekly meme hosted by, Parajunkee and Alison Can Read. Each week, each host will have their own Feature Blog which allows them to show off more new blogs! It is a fun way to keep in touch with fellow bloggers, meet new bloggers and gain new followers.

This Weeks Question Is:

Birthday Wishes -- Blow out the candles and imagine what character could pop out of your cake...who is it and what book are they from?
Oooh that one is def easy to answer. I would love to have any one of the brothers from Black Dagger Brotherhood by J.R. Ward (BDB Series) pop out of my cake... wait... is it possible to make a big ass cake so that all the brothers fit inside? hehe ;) cause... yeah, I'd be one very happy birthday girl xD *fans self* yeah.. definitely a birthday cake to remember. All that sezzyness in one deliciously dangerous cake. yummy ;)

What about you? What character would you like to see pop out of your birthday cake?

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Dirty Little Secret #7

Dirty Little Secret is a weekly meme hosted by Under the Covers. Every Thursday they get to know other bloggers and their readers more intimately by asking a question hoping to reveal dirty little secrets.
To join in the fun all you need to do is: 

1. Be a follower of Under the Covers. 
2. Create a post in your blog taking the meme image and copy instructions. 
3. Answer the question they propose! This can be done in any way you like, post a video, write a post etc. 

 This Week, the Question Is: 
Half the year has gone by already!  Tell us your favorite books so far!
Ahhh.. Okay, so I haven't read that many books this year.. I know, I know... big time slacker! But, in my defense, my iTouch broke & I did all... and I mean ALL my reading on that thing! :( So... Since then I've been venturing off to book stores (which isn't much) and then reading books here on my computer (which I dislike, because... it's just not comfortable!) Now.. back to the question at hand.. my favorite books so far this year would have to be...

♥The Hunger Games Series by Suzanne Collins

♥Samantha Moon by J.R. Rain
♥Kade's Dark Embrace by Kym Grosso

P.S. I am currently holding giveaways for Samantha Moon & Kade's Dark Embrace 

Chattin' It Up + Giveaway With Kym Grosso

Let's give a big warm welcome to Kym Grosso! Author of Kade's Dark Embrace!

Visit/Contact Kym here:

Ana: Welcome to Beach Bum Reads! I am super excited that you could join me today!
Kym:  Thanks so much for having me to Beach Bum Reads!  It is great to be here!

Ana: Can you tell us a little about yourself?
Kym:  I live in Pennsylvania with my husband, two children, our dog, Ace and guinea pig, Cheddar. When I am not writing, I spend my time with my children, doing autism advocacy, reading, playing tennis, going to zumba and traveling. New Orleans is one of our favorite places to visit with its rich culture and unique cuisine. But we also love traveling just about anywhere that has a beach or snow covered mountains. 

I love reading mysteries, romances and about all things vampires, werewolves and other supernaturals. Kade's Dark Embrace is my debut paranormal romance novel. I have also written and published several articles about autism.  

Ana: What was the first book that got you into reading?
Kym: When I was younger, one of the first books that really got me into reading was Kiss the Girls by James Patterson. It was an incredibly scary and engrossing psychological thriller.  But after having children and going into the corporate rat race, I became really busy; there was less and less time to read.  

About two years ago, I really got back into reading again when I started reading The Sookie Stackhouse Series by Charlene Harris, which I loved.  Soon after, I stumbled onto the Black Dagger Brotherhood by JR Ward, and it really got me hooked on reading again.  I am a huge fan of JR Ward.  After I finished the BDB series, I bought a Kindle and now am totally addicted to reading. I literally have hundreds of books on my Kindle. 

Ana: What/who inspired you to become a writer?
Kym:  I would have to say that my son inspired and continues to inspire me.  I developed a late interest in writing after my son was diagnosed with autism, and I started advocating on his behalf. Three years ago, I started my own website, and now blog and write articles about autism for

As far as writing romance, I actually started writing a book about autism, but I had a block on where to go with it.  I love, love, love reading paranormal romances.  So I decided to write a paranormal romance, and I wrote Kade’s Dark Embrace last winter.

Ana: Is there anything you want to say to inspiring writers?
Kym: I would tell them that if they want to write a book or articles, they need to write, but also publish their stories/blogs/books.  It gets you in the habit of writing, editing, receiving feedback, etc.  The more you write, the more comfortable you are in your own skin, so to speak.  If you are writing non-fiction, like I do with autism, write what you know and write from the heart. There is no doubt that it can be a little scary putting yourself out there.  But keep writing and have faith.

Ana: Let me just say that I absolutely loved Kade’s Dark Embrace… But, let me pretend I didn’t read it for a minute... Can you tell us what it’s about?
Kym:  Kade’s Dark Embrace is a fast paced, spicy paranormal romance which is a little bit of a mystery/thriller as well. The story involves a series of murders where girls are ritualistically killed in Philadelphia.  Sydney Willows, a seasoned detective, is forced to work with the very sexy, alpha vampire, Kade Issacson.  Sydney finds herself inexplicably drawn to Kade, yet she is annoyed to have to share her case. Kade is captivated by the independent, fiery detective. As he attempts to protect her from a very real murderer, Kade grows concerned that the beautiful, but very human detective is in danger.

The investigation leads them into a dark and dangerous world, deep in the heart of New Orleans, where together, they search for the perpetrators of the Voodoo killings. Sydney soon becomes the target of the killer, and they both end up fighting for their lives and love in the Big Easy. 

Ana: Who was the hardest character for you to write?
Kym:  This is a tough question.  I think probably Etienne. He wasn’t a huge character in this book, so there is not much information on him yet.  I am still deciding on how his character will evolve in the future and his backstory, but my feel right now is that he is a less experienced but strong vampire.  And of course, he will be totally hot when he finally gets his own book someday. :)

Ana: If you could go on a date with Kade, Lucas or Tristan, who would you choose and where would this date take place?
Kym: Great question! Hmmm…Why not take all three?  J But if that’s not an option, I would probably choose Kade.  After all, he is the head vamp in New Orleans.  First, we’d go to the Court of Two Sisters for a romantic, candlelit dinner outside in the courtyard.  Then, we’d go do Bourbon Street, find a Zydeco band and go dancing!

Ana:  Now, I know Luca’s Magic Embrace (Book #2 in the Immortals of New Orleans) is coming out this summer… can you spill some deets on what to expect?
Kym:  Well, Luca will definitely find love.  J He’s not generally fond of humans, so it will be interesting to see how he fights his deep attraction to Samantha.  She’s a witch now, so she’s told, but she can’t seem to find her powers.  Her life in danger, and they don’t know who or why someone would want her dead.  She tries to escape and outrun the danger, but it follows her out of state.  Luca finds her, and they are forced to return to New Orleans to face the perpetrators.

Ana: Are you currently working on anything? Care to dish?
Kym:  I am busy writing "Luca's Magic Embrace", which is due out Fall 2012.  So excited that Luca is going to find love.  After Luca's book is finished, I will start Tristan's.  
I will also be writing autism articles on  I try to publish at least one or two articles every quarter.

Ana: Okay, last question… and I’ve gotta ask… are you a beach bum?
Kym:  I am most definitely a beach bum.  I just spent last Saturday at the beach…reading my Kindle, of course. :)

Ana: Thanks for stopping by! It was a pleasure having you here today :)
Kym: Thank you so much for having me.  I really appreciate the interview.  It was a lot of fun.

Kade's Dark Embrace
(Book #1 in the Immortals of New Orleans Series)
Author: Kym Grosso
Publisher: Self Published (March 5, 2012)
Genre: Paranormal Romance/Erotica, 193 Pages
ISBN-10: 0615613373

              Click Here for my review
Concluding our chat with Kym, she is going to giveaway 3 copies of Kade's Dark Embrace! 1 paperback copy & 2 eBook copies to 3 lucky readers!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Waiting On Wednesday #1

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly event hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.


Into The Woods
(Tales From The Hollows & Beyond)
Kim Harrison

Publisher: Harper Voyager; Original edition
Publish Date: Oct. 9, 2012
Genre: UF, PNR, 528 pages
ISBN-10: 0061974323
Preorder: Amazon | B&N

I am a huge Rachel Morgan fan! Love, love, love The Hollows series. Ahh. Oct. 9 is a pretty long wait... but, hey, birthday present! woot :) If a few days late. Can't wait to read this! *Slowly marking off the day's til Oct. 9th*

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Review: Stealing Breath by Joanne Brothwell

Stealing Breath
(Book #1 in the Stealing Breath Series)

| GoodReads
Author: Joanne Brothwell
Publisher: Crescent Moon Press (March 1, 2012)
Genre: Paranormal Romance, 258 pages


Deep in the backwoods of North Dakota, twenty-one year old Sarah Ross is searching for a missing child when she is attacked by a glowing-eyed, transparent... creature. Sarah survives, destroying the monster by using mysterious abilities she didn't even know she had. Bloody and bruised, Sarah flees the scene and runs directly into Evan Valente, a handsome, charismatic stranger who helps her back to safety. But what is Evan doing out in the forest at five in the morning? Turning to a healer, Sarah is shocked to learn her eyes bear the mark of the Indigo Child-an evolved human with the ability to feel the emotions of others. But her indigo aura also makes her an easy target for those who wish to consume her powerful essence. Soon, Sarah is falling deeply in love with Evan and wants nothing more than to follow her heart and trust that he is the man he says he is. But she can't ignore the lingering feeling that Evan is hiding a terrible secret. The deeper she digs, the more danger she faces, leading her on a course that will force her to face the darkest, innermost parts of her soul.

Sarah Ross isn't like most people. She is able to feel the emotions of those around her, washing over her like a raw blanket of feelings. Running into Evan Valente, a handsome man with a thousand watt smile, right after her run in with a Skinwalker who was after her soul, Sarah doesn't know whats happening but she knows it's bad. There's a connection between Evan and Sarah that neither one of them can explain, but they know that together they are stronger and when Skinwalkers come out to feed on Sarah's soul there is no time for hesitation. 

Sarah Ross can feel the emotions of everyone around her is definitely weird, but what she doesn't know is that shes something more... more than just human. Sarah is an Indigo Child. A rare being who has a sixth sense and supernatural powers. (BTW, how frkn cool is that.. can I be a Crimson Child? lol) Sarah is slowly learning about herself in this book. Being faced with a Skinwalker for the first time has Sarah turning to her friends mother of the Wakina Tribe to see just what it is that attacked her and soon finds out what it wanted... her soul. Evan hides a secret from Sarah that tears them apart, but Evan can't help but still love Sarah and try and help her. Even after explaining everything to Sarah, she doesn't trust him fully but, can't help to still have feelings for him. Or hide the fact that together they are stronger and can beat the Skinwalkers.

There are a number of things I liked about this book... First, Skinwalkers.. totally new to me and I thought it made the book really good. Also, the whole concept of Indigo Child and indigo auras. I like how Brothwell was able to explain more about what an Indigo Child is and what Skinwalkers are through information from the Wakina Tribe. Definitely different from using google lol. For what I didn't like... Well, the book was a bit slow for me to get into.. it might have been the fact that I didn't read the prequel for this series and I was thrown into a missing child case. But when I got to the second chapter I was hooked. Other than that, I don't have any other complaints.

Stealing Breath was a pretty good read for me. And Skinwalkers are definitely new to me as well. I was a little iffy about reading this book but, I 'm glad I read it.  Brothwell really brought something new to the table with this book. I couldn't really categorize this book though. It's not really YA but then again it's not totally Adult either. So let's go with Young-Adult-On-The-Verge-of-Adulthood lol. I would definitely recommend this book, but since I was a bit thrown in the beginning I would suggest you read the prequel before you read this book. If you're looking for a something different in the paranormal world I suggest you pick up this book and have a go at it! Great read :)


Sunday, June 24, 2012

Random Rants #3

Random Rants is a weekly post I am starting that I will post on Sundays. I will be ranting about things I loved or didn't love from the past week...these rants do not pertain to books.
I love, love, LOVE shrimp chips... the bag says crackers... but, they're not crackers! lol.. But yes! Love those and ARIZONA GREEN TEA! I won't drink any other Arizona drink besides Green Tea. So... When my birthday comes up... you know what to get me hehe ;)

Otis and Ruby are our two doggies! They are Chipins! Chihuahua & Miniature Pinscher's. I love these dogs! They're little monsters!! lol. Otis has the habit of coming into my room and trying to jump in my bed with me... Which makes me get up and take him all the way back downstairs and twenty minutes later he's knocked down all the barricades and comes trotting back up to my room. He does this like 3 times a night... laaawd. Ruby on the other hand is independent and relaxed. She'll just be chillin' not giving a care in the world while Otis follows us around all over the place lol.
Otis & Ruby
Yeah... They claimed that couch as theirs -___-

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Review: Big Sky Country by Linda Lael Miller

Big Sky Country
(Book #1 in the Swoon Worthy Cowboys Series)
Amazon | GoodReads
Author: Linda Lael Miller
Publisher:  HQN Books (May 29, 2012)
Genre: Romance, 384 pages


The "First Lady of the West," #1 New York Times bestselling author Linda Lael Miller is back with a new series about Parable, Montana-where love awaits. The illegitimate son of a wealthy rancher, Sheriff Slade Barlow grew up in a trailer hitched to the Curly-Burly hair salon his mother runs. He was never acknowledged by his father-until now. Suddenly, Slade has inherited half of Whisper Creek Ranch, one of the most prosperous in Parable, Montana. That doesn't sit well with his half brother, Hutch, who grew up with all the rights of a Carmody. Including the affections of Joslyn Kirk, homecoming queen, rodeo queen, beauty queen-whom Slade has never forgotten But Joslyn is barely holding her head up these days as she works to pay back everyone her crooked stepfather cheated. With a town to protect-plus a rebellious teenage stepdaughter-Slade has his hands full. But someone has to convince Joslyn that she's responsible only for her own actions. Such as her effect on this lawman's guarded heart.


Joslyn Kirk is back in Parable, Montana. Coming back to mend a few broken fences from before her and her family left Parable from a scheme her stepfather cheated most of the town of their life savings. Joslyn new it wasn't going to be easy when she came back after all this time and she knew that selling her software and most of her materialistic possessions and giving back to what was lost to all those families way back when, wasn't going to change anything. But, she sure did hope it helped. Running into Slade Barlow, sheriff of Parable and half brother to her high school sweetheart Hutch Carmody, she didn't think he would stir up any emotions in her that would cause her to rethink how long she planned on staying in Parable.

This book was a bit slow for me and took a while for me to get into. But, I do think it is a good read and I do want to find out what happens in the next book of the series. I will say that I do love me some swoon worthy cowboys, though. Slade Barlow is that right mixture of the perfect man. Handsome, smart, well mannered, and has his priorities straight. And... he loves a child who isn't really his, but treats her like she's his all the same. It doesn't hurt one bit that he's just down right sexy. Mr. Barlow, please keep your cowboy hat on, thank you! Joslyn Kirk is an interesting character. She's carrying around the guilt of the scheme her stepfather cooked up and is trying hard to please everyone. She knows it's not her fault but she can't help but right the wrong that was caused by her stepfather and it doesn't help that some of the people from the town are lashing out at her.

Dislikes for this book would have to be the slow read. I really couldn't get into it in the beginning. Even when I did get into it, it was still a bit slow, but it held my attention and I kept reading. Maybe this is just the warmup before the big race? The first book of the series warming you up for the books to come? I don't know.  Now, I can say I liked a lot about the book. The characters were very down to earth and when you're introduced to Opal you can't help but feel all that love she brings to the table. The connection between Slade and Joslyn was always there and kept on building every time they had an encounter. Which is probably why I kept reading, being a total lover of anything romance. I was waiting and waiting for Slade to just take her right then and there or for Joslyn to just jump his bones... but, Miller sure did keep teasin' me with those two.

I would recommend this series. Even though it was a slow read for me, I can't help but recommend this and tell you to push through it because I really do think that Miller has something in store for us in book two of the series. So, if you're looking for something light to read, I'd definitely recommend this book for you :)


Liebster Blog Award

The Liebster Blog Award is given to upcoming bloggers who have less than 200 followers and Liebster is a German word which means sweetest, kindest, nicest, dearest, beloved, lovely, kind, pleasant, valued, cute, endearing and welcome.

The rules:
1. Each person must post 10 facts about themselves
2. Answer 10 questions the tagger has given you and give 10 questions for the people you’ve tagged.
3. Choose 10 people and link them in your post.
4. Tell them you’ve tagged them.
5. Remember, no tag backs.
Ten Random Facts About Me:
1. I am the second eldest of four children.
2. 5'5", brown eyes, thick thighs. lol (song ref. but yes that describes me too)
3. I love horror movies!
4. I play softball and volleyball
5. I am of Samoan descent and damn proud :)
6. I play guitar, ukulele and piano. Used to play saxophone and violin.
7. I cant read sheet music for crap (used to though) but, I can read tabs. lol
8. My favorite food is sushi :D yuuuum
9. I have stage fright.
10. My name is Eliana, but I've been going by Ana since I was little. So, the only place you'll see or hear Eliana is when I'm at school. lol
My Questions From HardCoverLife (Thanks for tagging me!)

1) How long have you been blogging?
»I've been blogging for a little over a month now :)

2) Why did you start blogging?

»I started blogging because I love books and what better way to voice my opinions than to other people who love books just like me!

3) What book are you most excited about reading in the near future?

»Book #9 in the Meredith Gentry Series! It's been 3 years since the last book came out aaaaaahhhhhh

4) What has been the hardest part of blogging for you?

»The hardest part would have to be keeping up with my posts. Or posting more. I've averaged about 3-4 posts a week and I've been trying to do more. And at least 2 reviews a week. Since most of the books I read are ebooks I can't read em as fast. My iTouch is now in electronics heaven and I can't stand to sit on the computer and read. Too many distractions lol.

5) If you could live in the world of a book, what book would that be and why?

»I'd live in the world of the Black Dagger Brotherhood (Black Dagger Brotherhood series by J.R. Ward) And become the Shellan of one of the brothers hehe. I absolutely love this series. Ward has opened up a whole new world and it's an amazing one!

6) What is your least favorite book?

»Ahh.. least favorite would have to be Bergdorf Blondes by Plum Skyes. I just couldn't get to it. I forced myself to read through two chapters and after that I just gave up.

7) Girl/ Boy in a book you wish was real? Why?

»Does if have to be a Girl/Boy? Can't it be a.... Demon? lol.. Well if it has to be a girl/boy I'd choose Myrnin from the Morganville Vampire series by Rachel Caine. Myrnin is a really old vampire. Really smart (like beyond this world) and he can't help but be a little crazy. Plus, he ha a sense of humor! Of course, sometimes you don't know when he's gonna snap at you... but hey, if there's something to take out of him being real, it would have to be his vampy bunny slippers :)

Now if it were a demon.. cause I just had to put him in here.. It would be Algaliarept from the Hollows series by Kim Harrison. He's sure is something. Scary, overpowering, selfish... But you can't help but like him in the series. lol

8)What would you do if vampires were real? Kill them? Hide?

»Hmm. Depends. If they were like the Brothers from the BDB series (J.R. Ward) I'd introduce myself! haha. And totally swoon cause.. All man in those leathers? Laaawd...

9) Favorite place to read?

»On my bed? Lol. On a really comfortable couch. Or laying out in the sun :) Preferably at the beach!

10) Got any cool ARCs?

»Yepp. I received an ARC from NetGalley a while ago. Samantha Moon by J.R. Rain... Great series BTW :) My review can be found HERE and my giveaway for a copy of this book can be found HERE
Blogs I Tagged:
1. Neyra @ Darkest Addictions
2. Sydney @ Sydneys Book Reviews at Your Fingertips
3. Katrina & Nessa @ Bookish Things And More
4. Melinda Dozier @ Melinda Dozier
5. Ninette @ Patch of Sky
6. Holly @ Reading With Holly
7. Crystal @ Red Heads Review It Better
8. Ruby @ Ruby's Books
9. Emmy & Roxy @ Sinfully Delicious Book Reviews
10. Wickedly Delicious Book Blog

Here's My Questions To You:
1. If you could slap one character out of a book who would it be? (sorry for the violence.. but I mean... there are some of those characters that just aaahhh aggravate you!)

2. How long have you been blogging?

3. If you could giveaway an entire series, what series would it be and why?

4. What author would you like to spend a whole day with and why?

5. Make an estimate of how many books you've read throughout your entire life

6. What was the book that got you into reading?

7. Where is the best place for you to read?

8. Who is your favorite character and why?

9. What book could you reread over and over again without ever getting bored with it?

10. What do you like most about blogging?
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