Sunday, June 10, 2012

One Month + Giveaway

Woot! As of today, I have been blogging for one month! For some reason, it seems like a lot longer than that. For a few years now, I've always wanted to start a blog. But never actually took the initiative to make one. Until now! This is so exciting! Being new to blogging, this feels like a new relationship. Getting to know each other, learn to love and or hate each other... oh lawd, I hope I don't have a love/hate relationship with my blog. That wouldn't be good for anyone. So, now that my one month anniversary is here, I am having a giveaway! And.. yeah, go figure it's my first giveaway. So, a week or so ago, I read an ARC for "Samantha Moon" by J.R. Rain and posted my review. When I read this ARC, I fell in love with it! So, I emailed the publisher and asked if I could host a giveaway for the ARC to one of my followers. I got a reply back and the publisher did me one better! They sent me an actual copy of the book! I am incredibly excited to give this one away, as I'm sure you'll love it as much as I did! Hopefully! hehe.

Samantha Moon: The First Four Vampire for Hire Novels, Plus the Christmas Moon Novella and a Never-Before-Published Short Story
Amazon | GoodReads
Author: J.R. Rain
Publisher: BenBella Books
Release Date: June, 05 2012
Genre:Adult, Mystery & Suspense, Supernatural, 672 pages

Mother, wife, private investigator ... and vampire. Six years ago, federal agent Samantha Moon was the perfect wife and soccer mom with the minivan and suburban home. Then the unthinkable happened, an attack that changed her life forever. And forever is a very long time for a vampire.

Samantha's adventures as a night-roaming vampire and private investigator in Samantha Moon include ...


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