Dirty Little Secret is a weekly meme hosted by Under the Covers. Every Thursday they get to know other bloggers and their readers more intimately by asking a question hoping to reveal dirty little secrets.To join in the fun all you need to do is:1. Be a follower of Under the Covers.2. Create a post in your blog taking the meme image and copy instructions.3. Answer the question they propose! This can be done in any way you like, post a video, write a post etc.This Week, the Question Is:Share your experiences with blogging!
List TWO "Don't" and one "Do" when it comes to blogging and reviewing.
Since I'm fairly new... okay, okay.. REALLY new to blogging, I will tell you what my Do & Don'ts are as far as my short experience allows me.
- DON'T plagiarize!! -- Really? Plagiarize? Why do it? You were born with a mind. Use it! Let's not be dull & use someone else's hard work & thoughts put into reviews & posts!
- DON'T be scared to ask around for help. If you're confused about something in the blogging world, ask someone. Be all "HEY! What is BEA?" (BTW... someone please answer this for me... hehe) But, in all seriousness, Do ask questions if you truly are lost or confused about something. I'm sure your fellow bloggers wouldn't mind taking a few minutes to answer your questions. We were all newbs at one point or another!
- DO be awesome! lol.. kidding, although awesomeness doesn't hurt... Do be yourself. When you post your reviews or other posts on your blog, be you. I'd like to think when you have a follower, they follow you because they like what you have to say. Your personality shows in how you write your reviews/posts. And I think that's great :) So yeah... Be yourself & I'm sure that you will also enjoy blogging a lot more, I know I do!!
So, What are some of your DO's & DON'TS?
P.S. Sorry for murdering the exclamation point today... I guess I was really excited about this post!!!! hehe ;)