Sunday, June 17, 2012

Random Rants #2

Random Rants is a weekly post I am starting that I will post on Sundays. I will be ranting about things I loved or didn't love from the past week...these rants do not pertain to books.
Today, I launched my Design Blog! It's still, somewhat, under construction. But I've got it up and running! Click the link below to check it out!!

YES! I am now a fan of True Blood.. Well, I wouldn't say fan just yet... I started watching it earlier this week & I am 4 episodes into season 1. So far.... I like it :) I didn't read the books, which was mostly why I was so hesitant to watch the series. For me, if I watch the series/movie before I read the books, then I  wont ever read the books. BUT, I'll read the books and watch the series/movie. No problem! I guess I'm weird like that...

This week was graduation week here in So-Cal... Let me just say...I am so tired of 3 hour ceremonies! Goodness. But nevertheless I am soooo proud of my family members and all of you other graduates that graduated this year! Congrats!! So.. What does candy lei's have to do with this ? Or... More importantly... What the heck are candy lei's? Well.. Let me explain. Candy Lei's have been somewhat of a tradition that we Polynesian's make for special occasions. You are more then likely to see them at graduations (if by chance, the graduation you are attending has Polynesians attending) Candy Lei's are easy to make but are extremely time consuming! Below is a picture of my sister at her graduation (class of 2011) I hope she doesn't mind me using her pic, but I couldn't find mine :( ... Anywho... This photo is the result of hard work! and 30+ candy lei's! If you all really like this, and want to try and make some for upcoming graduations that you will be attending or for next year, let me know & I'll be happy to write a post tutorial on how to make them!! Also, We do make money lei's as well! ($100 worth of dollar bills in one lei!)
 I went back to that donut shop and snapped a picture of the boba chart... and ordered me a boba hehe...Click the photo to enlarge... I highlighted the names of the one's I tried.. and put an X over the one's I didn't like. lol
Well, that's it for this week's Random Rants! :)

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