Let's give a big warm welcome to Kym Grosso! Author of Kade's Dark Embrace!
Visit/Contact Kym here:
Ana: Welcome to Beach Bum Reads! I am super excited that you could join me today!
Kym: Thanks so much for having me to Beach Bum Reads! It is great to be here!
Ana: Can you tell us a little about yourself?
Kym: I live in Pennsylvania with my husband, two children, our dog, Ace and guinea pig, Cheddar. When I am not writing, I spend my time with my children, doing autism advocacy, reading, playing tennis, going to zumba and traveling. New Orleans is one of our favorite places to visit with its rich culture and unique cuisine. But we also love traveling just about anywhere that has a beach or snow covered mountains.
I love reading mysteries, romances and about all things vampires, werewolves and other supernaturals. Kade's Dark Embrace is my debut paranormal romance novel. I have also written and published several articles about autism.
I love reading mysteries, romances and about all things vampires, werewolves and other supernaturals. Kade's Dark Embrace is my debut paranormal romance novel. I have also written and published several articles about autism.
Ana: What was the first book that got you into reading?
Kym: When I was younger, one of the first books that really got me into reading was Kiss the Girls by James Patterson. It was an incredibly scary and engrossing psychological thriller. But after having children and going into the corporate rat race, I became really busy; there was less and less time to read.
About two years ago, I really got back into reading again when I started reading The Sookie Stackhouse Series by Charlene Harris, which I loved. Soon after, I stumbled onto the Black Dagger Brotherhood by JR Ward, and it really got me hooked on reading again. I am a huge fan of JR Ward. After I finished the BDB series, I bought a Kindle and now am totally addicted to reading. I literally have hundreds of books on my Kindle.
Ana: What/who inspired you to become a writer?
Kym: I would have to say that my son inspired and continues to inspire me. I developed a late interest in writing after my son was diagnosed with autism, and I started advocating on his behalf. Three years ago, I started my own website, AutismInRealLife.com and now blog and write articles about autism for PsychologyToday.com.
As far as writing romance, I actually started writing a book about autism, but I had a block on where to go with it. I love, love, love reading paranormal romances. So I decided to write a paranormal romance, and I wrote Kade’s Dark Embrace last winter.
Ana: Is there anything you want to say to inspiring writers?
Kym: I would tell them that if they want to write a book or articles, they need to write, but also publish their stories/blogs/books. It gets you in the habit of writing, editing, receiving feedback, etc. The more you write, the more comfortable you are in your own skin, so to speak. If you are writing non-fiction, like I do with autism, write what you know and write from the heart. There is no doubt that it can be a little scary putting yourself out there. But keep writing and have faith.
Ana: Let me just say that I absolutely loved Kade’s Dark Embrace… But, let me pretend I didn’t read it for a minute... Can you tell us what it’s about?
Kym: Kade’s Dark Embrace is a fast paced, spicy paranormal romance which is a little bit of a mystery/thriller as well. The story involves a series of murders where girls are ritualistically killed in Philadelphia. Sydney Willows, a seasoned detective, is forced to work with the very sexy, alpha vampire, Kade Issacson. Sydney finds herself inexplicably drawn to Kade, yet she is annoyed to have to share her case. Kade is captivated by the independent, fiery detective. As he attempts to protect her from a very real murderer, Kade grows concerned that the beautiful, but very human detective is in danger.
The investigation leads them into a dark and dangerous world, deep in the heart of New Orleans, where together, they search for the perpetrators of the Voodoo killings. Sydney soon becomes the target of the killer, and they both end up fighting for their lives and love in the Big Easy.
Ana: Who was the hardest character for you to write?
Kym: This is a tough question. I think probably Etienne. He wasn’t a huge character in this book, so there is not much information on him yet. I am still deciding on how his character will evolve in the future and his backstory, but my feel right now is that he is a less experienced but strong vampire. And of course, he will be totally hot when he finally gets his own book someday. :)
Ana: If you could go on a date with Kade, Lucas or Tristan, who would you choose and where would this date take place?
Kym: Great question! Hmmm…Why not take all three? J But if that’s not an option, I would probably choose Kade. After all, he is the head vamp in New Orleans. First, we’d go to the Court of Two Sisters for a romantic, candlelit dinner outside in the courtyard. Then, we’d go do Bourbon Street, find a Zydeco band and go dancing!
Ana: Now, I know Luca’s Magic Embrace (Book #2 in the Immortals of New Orleans) is coming out this summer… can you spill some deets on what to expect?
Kym: Well, Luca will definitely find love. J He’s not generally fond of humans, so it will be interesting to see how he fights his deep attraction to Samantha. She’s a witch now, so she’s told, but she can’t seem to find her powers. Her life in danger, and they don’t know who or why someone would want her dead. She tries to escape and outrun the danger, but it follows her out of state. Luca finds her, and they are forced to return to New Orleans to face the perpetrators.
Ana: Are you currently working on anything? Care to dish?
Kym: I am busy writing "Luca's Magic Embrace", which is due out Fall 2012. So excited that Luca is going to find love. After Luca's book is finished, I will start Tristan's.
I will also be writing autism articles on PsychologyToday.com. I try to publish at least one or two articles every quarter.
Ana: Okay, last question… and I’ve gotta ask… are you a beach bum?
Kym: I am most definitely a beach bum. I just spent last Saturday at the beach…reading my Kindle, of course. :)
Ana: Thanks for stopping by! It was a pleasure having you here today :)
Kym: Thank you so much for having me. I really appreciate the interview. It was a lot of fun.

Kade's Dark Embrace(Book #1 in the Immortals of New Orleans Series)Author: Kym GrossoPublisher: Self Published (March 5, 2012)Genre: Paranormal Romance/Erotica, 193 Pages
ISBN-10: 0615613373
ISBN-13: 978-0615613376
Click Here for my review
Concluding our chat with Kym, she is going to giveaway 3 copies of Kade's Dark Embrace! 1 paperback copy & 2 eBook copies to 3 lucky readers!