Monday, June 4, 2012

Review: Last Night at Chateau Marmont by Lauren Weisberger

Last Night at Chateau Marmont
Amazon | GoodReads 
Author: Lauren Weisberger 
Publisher: Harpercollins Pb (August 10, 2010) 
Genre: Chick Lit, 432 pages 
ISBN-10: 0007311001 
ISBN-13: 978-0007311002


Heartbreak, headlines and Hermes – welcome to Brooke's new world…

Brooke and Julian live a happy life in New York – she's the breadwinner working two jobs and he's the struggling musician husband. Then Julian is discovered by a Sony exec and becomes an overnight success – and their life changes for ever.

Soon they are moving in exclusive circles, dining at the glitziest restaurants, attending the most outrageous parties in town and jetting off to the trendiest hotspots in LA.

But Julian's new-found fame means that Brooke must face the savage attentions of the ruthless paparazzi. And when a scandalous picture hits the front pages, Brooke's world is turned upside down. Can her marriage survive the events of that fateful night at Chateau Marmont? It's time for Brooke to decide if she's going to sink or swim…


Brooke & Julian have been living a relatively normal life for the past six years... that is, until Julian becomes an overnight celebrity when his music career takes off. Thrust into the fancy life of Hollywood's elite, Brooke finds herself at odds with herself & her husband when she reads in the tabloids what happened last night at Chateau Marmont. Will Julian's overnight celebrity status be enough or will this bump in the road lead to an uneventful split? 

Last Night at Chateau Marmont was a really good read for me. I loved all of the characters, even the little snobby one's that roam the Hollywood scene, but still, I thought the characters were amazing. I am a big fan of Julian & Brooke. I am going to be honest with you, when I picked up this book, I read the back cover & when I read the names Julian & Brooke, I immediately thought of One Tree Hill. So, yeah, now you know why I picked up the book. But I'm glad I did. Brooke is your average female, worrying about if she looks good enough, tells herself its okay to eat that really yummy looking cookie, since you walked all the way to the dang bakers just to buy it! And maintain a job, wait.... scratch that! Maintain two jobs! For her man! If that ain't love I don't know what is. This  book was a bit of a roller coaster, but not those scary ones that practically rip your heart out by slowly climbing its way to its highest peek and keep you dangling at the top for the worst 30 seconds of your life. But this one did keep me wanting to know what Brooke would do next, how she would take all this fame in & how she would go about it. 

Likes & dislikes... hmm. I liked the relationship between Julian & Brooke, how they are with each other. Also, I liked the ending, it was more than what I was expecting. Which I won't go into detail here, for the sake of readers who haven't read the book yet. I can't really say I disliked anything, other than the slime ball manager of Julian's, but other than that I didn't really dislike anything. 

This book was a really good read, and I'm glad I picked it up! If you haven't read it yet, you should. I haven't read anything else by Weisberger, but I did watch The Devil Wears Prada and I thought that was really good. 


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