Lol. Okaaay then. Because I have school today and my school days are pretty much the same here goes nothin...Day #15: Bullet your whole day.
- 12AM - Reading
- 1AM - Still reading
- 2AM - .Writing a review
- 3AM - Writing this post...
- 4AM - shit... it's 4AM *goes to bed*
- 5AM - Texting....people... xD
- 6AM - Still... texting....people xD
- 7AM - Just fell asleep...
- 8AM - *lights turn on* FML - these people don't understand I need my sleep!
- 9AM - sleeping ^_^
- 10AM - gotta peeeeee... *sleepwalks to bathroom*
- 11AM - Sleeeeeeeeeeping
- 12AM - I'm up! I'm up!
- 1PM - cleaning the house & eating breakfast
- 2PM - getting ready for school
- 3PM - OMW to school
- 4PM - Macroeconomics class
- 5PM - Macro Lab
- 6PM - Eating lunch & reading
- 7PM - Accounting class
- 8PM - ...still in class
- 9PM - ....still in class
- 10PM - OMW home ^_^
- 11PM - just finished eating/cleaning
- 12PM - Rushing to do my AMAD post
- 1AM - still working on my AMAD post
- 2AM - listening to Neyra @ Darkest Addiction nag at me for not being done yet
- 3AM - finished with post before Neyra (haaaaaaaaaa!!! bioootch!)
- 4AM - Reading... finally!
- 5AM - sleeeeeeeeeeeeeepin' like boss
Lol. Yes, this is my routine on Mondays. I'm up all night (early mornings) so I sleep during the day and at school all night. pretty....boring. xD
Your turn! Bullet your day! And if you want to ask me a question, leave it in the comments below!