Sunday, October 21, 2012

What's In My Candy Bag #14

What's In My Beach Candy Bag will be a weekly post about all the books & other goodies that I've bought, borrowed or won :)

*Click on pictures to enlarge*
What I Received:

♥ Thanks to Kym Grosso for Luca's Magic Embrace (Received for review)
♥Thanks to Wynne Channing for What Kills Me (Won in giveaway @ Picked by Poison)
♥Thanks to Anna @ Hearding Cats & Burning Soup for Nauti Boy by Lora Leigh (Won in giveaway)
♥Thanks to Neyra @ Darkest Addictions for Books #1 - 3 in the Firefighters of Station Five series by Jo Davis

What I Bought:

Ahh. So I was at GoodWill the other day. And I saw this! Its like a mini drawer! Its dsooo damned cute! Its sitting here on my desk. I like it. Its my little storage bin! xD It was only $3.00 so I had to get it :) Well.. I didn't have to, but it was so kaaa-ute! ^_^

Lol! YES! More notepads! ^_^ I got these at Goodwill and they were only .49¢ each! that's a whopping 0.98¢ Pretty damned great price if you ask me :) 

Candy of the Week:
Yes, I know this isn't candy! BUT, its sweet. So, that's enough for me xD If you read my last WIMCB post then you know that my sister and I bought a bag of cookies from Target and they were, for lack of a better word, CRAP! So, while we were running errands for my dad, we picked up cookies from Albertsons. Laaawd. We LOVE Albertsons cookies! Yesterday we got Brownie Cookies. Its pretty much a brownie shaped liked a cookie with chocolate chips in it.... NOM NOM NOM it was good ^_^ 

Well, that's it for my haul this week :) Did you get anything awesome?

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