Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Tuesday Jams #7

Tuesday Jams is a weekly post hosted by Sharonda @ Salacious Reads. This is a way to share with others your love (other then books of course) for music! Want to participate? Easy! Head on over to Salacious Reads & link back up with her Tuesday Jams post in her comments section!
To kick off the month of October. I've decided to put together a playlist that I think goes really well with Halloween. I'll be adding to this playlist as the days tick by. I also plan on keeping the music player with these songs for the rest of the month. Lol. But I will be participating in Tuesday Jams, but I'll most likely just focus on one song out of the list of songs. I'll leave the list & picture below of each artists and where I heard the song and why I like it :)
1. Florence + the Machine - Seven Devils 
So, I've heard of Florence + the Machine but I've never really been big on their music. I love Florence's voice, I just didn't love their songs, though their music is great. So, I was catching up on my TV watching. Lol, yes CATCHING UP. I haven't been watching much TV as of late, I usually just record the shows I watch on DVR & watch them later. BUT now I watch them on my computer. Thanks to DishOnline. Probably the only thing I like about Dish Network. Verizon Fios is way better in my opinion. But hella expensive *sigh* At least my internet is still Verizon ^_^ 

Anywho, back to the song! So, like I said, I was catching up on my shows that I've been missing and one of them is Revenge, starring Emily VanCamp and airs on ABC. If you haven't watched this show, then you're definitely missing out! So, at the ending of Season 1 some real shit went down lol. and the ending song was fucking EPIC! Tied it all up really well. And that song was Seven Devils by Florence + the Machine.. wheeew. Damn. So good. I really like the beat behind this song also, Florence's voice definitely gave me chills the first time I heard it & have had it on repeat since I've heard it. The lyrics are really good too. If you just sit there and actually listen to them. Seven Devils is on the Ceremonial Album, Florence + the Machine's second album and was released on Oct. 28, 2011. 

For all you Revenge fans, Season 2 has started (S02E01 - Destiny - was aired last week Sep. 28) 

Well, that's my pick for this week :) Next week I'll be picking another song on my October playlist :)

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