Okay, I didn't get much this week. Or, hardly anything lol. This week was a very slow week indeed.What's In MyBeachCandy Bag will be a weekly post about all the books & other goodies that I've bought, borrowed or won :)
Received For Review:
*Click On Cover To Take You To GoodReads*
*Click On Cover To Take You To GoodReads*
Review Soon
To Come
To Come
Candy of the Week:
So, this week (last night actually) my mom came home with goodies! lol Whoppers, popcorn & Red Vines. AAAANNNNND we watched The Walking Dead. YES, I know Walking Dead comes on, on Sundays. BUT, AMC was taken off of Dish, so we were stuck without it :( People (according to my moms co-workers) had a lil party for the premier of the new season. (Again, because AMC was only showing on certain cable providers) BUT, alas, AMC is back on DishNetwork and I got to catch up with TWD. ^_^ So, Whoppers was a part of my celebration. lol
That's it for this weeks haul. Like I said, very small haul. Did you guys get anything awesome?