Sunday, October 14, 2012

What's In My Candy Bag #13

What's In My Beach Candy Bag will be a weekly post about all the books & other goodies that I've bought, borrowed or won :)

Wheew. Bare with me, I bought a few things this week ^_^

*Click on pictures to enlarge*
Thrifting Like A BO$$

Okay, the Book Gods were smiling down on me on Saturday. I've been dying to go to the Dollar Book Store or to a thrift store to find some books and I went to GoodWill. Usually, they don't have much of a selection in the Paranormal genre, but When I saw J.R. Ward I just about squealed right there in that isle! I got Covet & Crave (Books #1 & #2 in the Fallen Angels series) I've already read these, but daaamn. Won't they just look mighty sezzy on my bookshelf ;) I paid $2.00 for these babies ^_^

While at GoodWill, I also found Midnight's Daughter & Death's Mistress (Books #1 & #2 in the Dorina Basarab, Dhampir series) by Karen Chance. I haven't read this series, but it has been on my TBR list for a few years. I got these for $2.00 :) 

So, I now have a thing for notepads. The ones with the magnet on the back and you can stick it on your fridge. Well, I stick mine on my whiteboards here in my room. I got two more from GoodWill. I thought they were really cute and they were only $1.00 each. I had to limit myself to 2 because laaaawd knows I would have picked up one of each and walked out 10 dollars short xD

More Makeup!
Ahhh. Yes. More makeup! Every time I walked into Rite Aid, I would see these cute little palettes. But never picked it up. Cause I don't really need it. But it was only $5.00 so I thought "Why not?" They had 3 different palettes: Hollywood, Paris, and London. I got the London palette because I like the colors more. The Hollywood palette was a little too bright for me. I might like bright colors, but when it comes to makeup I stick to the toned colors. Anywho. I'm not a big fan of this product. Its ehhh. Give it to your little sister and let her have at it! Was it worth the 5 bucks? Probably not. But the packaging is KAAAA-UTE! ^_^


I got this awesome swag from Sharonda @ Salacious Reads. Thanks giiirl ♥ A whole bunch of swag!

I won this bookmark from Picked by Poison. Isn't it pretty? Definitely looking forward to reading What Kills Me by Wynne Channing.

Candy of the Week

Okay, I know this isn't a candy. But it has chocolate!! lol. Anywho, My sister and I went on an adventure on Saturday and while we were waiting for mom to get off work and go eat dinner (because she said she was hungry. And the awesome daughters that we were, we parked and ATTEMPTED to assuage our hunger with these cookies) They weren't great :( But they did stop me from going insane xD and they definitely needed milk.

Well, that's it for my haul this week. Did you get anything awesome? 

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