Monday, October 29, 2012

Vote For Me!

Hey guys! So, recently... like last week, I entered in Alyssa Rose Ivys' Focus Halloween Costume Contest. If you haven't heard of Alyssa, then you are missing out! She writes New Adult books, in Contemporary and Paranormal Romance. Sooo, I've entered in her contest for a chance to win print copies of Flight & Focus (Books #1 & 2 in The Crescent Chronicles series)  & a character named after *points to self* MOI in her book! Exciting, no? I think so! Soooo. Yes, I'm asking you guys to vote for me! BUUUUUUUUUT, There are two other people with awesome costume suggestions that are in the running as well! So, if you like their costume more, by all means, vote for them. I'm really contemplating voting for one of the others *hits desk* why didn't I think of that! Lol. okay. I think I'm done. 

Whose in the running: 

Click HERE to vote. (Vote by leaving your answer in the comments on Alyssa's post) 

Click HERE for my review of Derailed (Book #1 in the Clayton Falls series) by Alyssa Rose Ivy

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